Do South Africans Need A Visa For Australia

The answer to this question is no. If you are a South African citizen, and want to travel to Australia for tourism or business visit stays, then you no longer require a visa. Under the “Free Movement Regime”, South Africans do not need to apply for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) as long as they have a passport from one of the following countries:

Although the Australian government has simplified visa rules for a number of countries in recent years, including South Africa, you still need to apply for an e 600 “visitor visa” online on their official website. There are a few exceptions but most visitors will be required to pay for this type of visa.

Do South Africans Need A Visa For Australia

Australian Visa for South African Citizens

How do I get a visitor visa for Australia on a South African passport?

Australian Visitor Visas allow South African passport holders to travel to Australia for the purpose of tourism, to visit friends or relatives, or as a business visitor.

The Australian visitor visa for South African citizens is valid for 12 months and usually allows for multiple visits during that time.

You are not allowed to do paid work in Australia on these visas.

Dependent on your personal circumstances, the visa that is granted may be for a shorter period than you applied for.

We advise you not to confirm any travel plans or flights until you know the outcome your visa application

Tourist visa for Australia from South Africa, for South African passport holders

Australian Tourist Visa for South African Passport holders

On a South African passport you may apply for an  Australian tourist visa for the purposes of tourism, holidays, visiting family. You can apply to stay for up to 3, 6 or 12 months in Australia but the length of stay allowed may be less than you apply for.

Please Note:
You will be required to supply a copy of your passport and other supporting information, a list of which will be supplied after registration

Australian Business Visa for South African passport holders

Australian Business Visitor Visa for South African Passport holders

On a South African passport you can apply for an Australian business visitor visa for the purposes business meetings, etc. this excludes paid work in Australia.

You will have to provide proof of the purpose of your travel.

As with the tourist visa application, you will be required to supply a copy of your passport and other supporting information, a list of which will be supplied after registration

What isn’t covered by visitor visas

Only limited study is permitted

Australian visitor visas only allow you to study for a maximum of 3 months. If you wish to study longer, you should look at an Australian Student Visa

You cannot work in Australia

A visitor visa does not allow South African citizens to do paid work during their stay in Australia. South African passport holders cannot apply for working holiday visas, but there are work visa options available. Please contact our offices for information

If you have Criminal Convictions

All criminal convictions must be declared. Depending on your personal circumstances and any sentence(s) imposed, the visa application process will be more complicated. It will take longer and incur additional charges. If you have criminal convictions, we your suggest that you go to Australian visas for individuals with criminal convictions and register there instead.

How to apply for Australian visa using a South African passport

 If you apply using a South African passport, the normal electronic application can’t be used.  The application process for a visitor visa for Australia is manual, and our team can assist you with this.

You can apply either from within South Africa, or from your usual country of residence. If you are applying from outside South Africa, there must be at least of 6 months remaining on your residency permit for the country where you normally live.

You must also have at least of 6 months left on your passport on the day of departure from Australia. The visa is  digitally attached to your passport, meaning if your passport is replaced for whatever reason, you will have to replace the visa and incur the application fees again.

STEP 1:  Register your request to apply for an Australian Visitor Visa using a South African passport.

To provide further information we invite you to register for the application. One registration fee will cover multiple applications

The cost of this initial registration is £28.00 

STEP 2: Preparing your information and checklists.

When you have completed the online registration, a named member of our team of experts will contact you and provide you with a checklist of suitable supporting information for your application.

STEP 3: Submit you Visa Application

If you feel you have enough information, you can continue to complete the application on your own. However, if you would prefer further assistance from our experienced advisers, our Professional fee is £90 per application.

For this fee we will

  • advise on the suitability of the supporting information prior to submitting the visa application
  • advise on any changes that we feel may be useful
  • prepare and submit the application to Australian Immigration
  • be available to advise on any queries raised by Australian Immigration after submitting your application.

We make no other professional charges

STEP 4: Pay any additional fees

These fees will be payable directly to the agency / organisation that provides the service.

Australian Immigration costs
The Australian Government application fee is AUD140.00

For South African passport holders there can be further fees for:

  • medical examinations / health checks that may be are required
  • police clearance certificate from every country where you have lived
  • you may have to have recognition checks e.g. passport type photos or fingerprints
  • any documents that need to be verified, e.g. passport

As the fees paid are for the processing of your Australian visa application, THERE IS NO REFUND if the application is refused

Australia visitor visa requirements for South African Passport Holders

General requirements when applying for an Australian visitor visa

  • You must be outside Australia when you apply for the visa
  • Meet health requirements:
    Australian Immigration use The World Health Organisation guidelines to assess the health risk you may pose. The WHO considers South Africa to be a high risk country for tuberculosis. The medical checks that you will have to undergo will depend on your personal situation
  • Be of good character:
    You must declare all your criminal convictions. Australian Immigration will consider these, along with a number of other factors to assess your character. If you have a criminal record, this application isn’t suitable for you.  You must apply on the criminal conviction application system.
  • Debts to the Australian government:
    You must have no debts to the Australian government from any previous trips to Australia
  • Have sufficient funds:
    You must provide proof that you have access to enough money to pay for your whole trip
  • Be a genuine visitor:
    You must obey the conditions of the visa grant and leave Australia before your visa expires
  • Health insurance:
    Australia has no agreement with South Africa to cover medical expenses. This means you’ll be personally be responsible for any medical bills during your stay. You must ensure that you have adequate health cover before entering Australia

Supporting documents required by South African Citizens applying for an Australian Visitor Visa:

When you for either an Australian Tourist or Business Visitor Visa, you must provide various items of information to Australian Immigration. This is necessary to decide on your application.

This is an example of the supporting information:

  • A certified copy of your passport
  • The purpose of the trip,
    • for a tourist visa, this is can be to visit friends, relatives or for tourism. You will have to provide details of your travel plans
    • for a business visa, this can be to attend meetings, conferences etc., but doesn’t permit paid work in Australia. You have to provide a letter of invitation from the company you will be visiting.
  • Proof of funding: This can be bank statements, or a letter of invitation showing your host is willing to provide accommodation and / or pay travel expenses within Australia. You also need to show that your flights (both ways) will be paid for before you enter Australia
  • Your intention to leave Australia (e.g. a return flight)

How long does it take for a South African passport holder to get an Australian Visa?

Australian Immigration will take approximately 4 weeks to reach a decision, from the day that they receive all the requested information. Please note that this is not from the initial day of making the application. Because the actual time that it takes will depend on your personal circumstances, you should use this as a guideline only.

We always advise clients to wait until they have their Australian Visa before confirming any travel arrangements

Conditions of an Australian Visitor Visa for South African Citizens

The conditions of your visa will depend on

  • your individual circumstances,
  • the reason for the trip to Australia, and
  • how long you intend to stay in Australia.

The conditions for a visitor visa are:

  • You cannot do any paid work
  • You may only study or attend training for 3 months in total.
  • Make sure that you have health insurance for your entire trip to Australia.
  • You must leave Australia before your visa expires.
  • Australian Immigration may grant the visa for a single visit, or for multiple visits. You must check the conditions of your visa

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