Do South African Citizens Need A Visa For Mozambique

For South African citizens, obtaining a visa to enter Mozambique is quite simple. In fact, getting a visa on arrival in Mozambique could not be easier. I say this because it is free and the process to do so is extremely quick. But did you know that most South African citizens travelling to Mozambique do not require a visa?

Have you ever wondered whether you can travel to Mozambique without a visa? If so, this article is for you. Quiero viajar a Moçambique y no tengo visa necesaria? Si es así, éste artículo es para ti, pero antes de decidir si puede o no obtener una visa de entrada trasladarse a este país, hay algunas cosas que deberías saber.

If you are visiting Mozambique and want to travel outside Maputo, chances are you may need to get a visa first. We’ll cover the details of what types of visas there are and how you can obtain one.

Do South African Citizens Need A Visa For Mozambique

order Crossings between South Africa and Mozambique
Lebombo (South Africa) / Ressano Garcia (Mozambique)
Kosi Bay (South Africa) / Ponta do Ouro (Mozambique)
Pafuri (South Africa) / Limpopo (Mozambique)
Kruger National Park (South Africa) / Giriyonda (Mozambique)
There are a number of options to cross the border over land from South Africa to Mozambique. The Lebombo/Ressano Garcia border post is being used by substantially larger volumes of travellers as well as for the movement of commercial produce and it is deemed appropriate to provide a guideline on the required procedures at this border post.
Please Pay Attention
This guideline offers a basic explanation of the required Border Crossing procedures and it is drafted in support of work done by the Authorities on both sides of the border – You are advised to comply with instructions of border officials.Travellers must have a valid passport (validity at least 30 days after the intended return date) with two clean pages in the passport.Visas are not required by South African passport holders for a stay of up to 30 days.For the fiscal allowances and exemptions to Travellers to Mozambique – click hereNo firearms will be allowed to cross the border, without the required permits.No animals (pets) will be allowed to cross the border, without the required permits.Third Party Insurance is compulsory for all non-Mozambican registered vehicles entering the country. These can normally be procured on the border, from official representatives of the different insurance companies.All vehicles are required to be equipped with two red Warning Triangles, two Reflective Jackets and one fire-extinguisher.Health requirements: Vaccinations Compulsory – Yellow Fever (if coming from an infected area); Recommended – Typhoid, Hepatitis A & B, Tetanus and Polio; Precautions – Malaria risk.If you are planning to cross the border at LEBOMBO/RESSANO GARCIA please take time and read the latest newsletter of the Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative (MCLI). It contains essential information that will surely make your journey easier.
Click here to access an index of their latest newsletters.
For detailed information, regarding  freight and/or commercial goods crossing the border from South Africa to Mozambique or from Mozambique to South Africa – click here      
On the South African side
On entering the border post you will receive a gate pass.Inside the Customs/Immigration building you need to complete the paper work.All goods must be declared, especially valuables such cameras and computers.Keep the stamped Customs declaration form in a safe place – you will need to show it to the Customs officials on re-entering South Africa.Custom officials will also stamp your gate pass.Proceed to complete Immigration procedures.Immigration officials will also stamp your gate pass.Return to your vehicle and drive through to the Mozambican side.Before leaving the South African side you must give the gate pass to the guard on duty.  
On the Mozamican side
On entering the border a guard will hand you a gate pass.“Runners” are not government officials. No official fees are payable on either side of the border for the completion of documents. It is advised not to use them.Proceed to Immigration (Migraçao) – each individual must have passport stamped.Ensure that the gate pass is also stamped.Driver to obtain a vehicle form – complete request for Temporary Import permission regarding vehicle, boat trailer and electronic equipment – issued by Customs officials (Alfândega) and generally valid for a period of 30 days.Proceed to the duty counter declare goods and pay relevant duties. Keep documentation for the duration of your journey as proof of payment.Alfândega officials are at liberty to search your vehicle.If you should be found to be in possession of any undeclared items these will be confiscated.Hand in the gate pass and enter Mozambique.

When applying for visas anywhere in the world, the process can involve a lot of forethought and be challenging to understand. The new South African eVisa process for Mozambican citizens will be developed by the South African government as a step towards the future in terms of allowing more tourists into the country to enjoy what South Africa has to offer. With the upcoming release of this application process, South Africa is joining the world of fast travel and technology.

Application Process for Mozambican Citizens

The process of applying for a visa will be simplified thanks to the new electronic system. When applying for a South Africa visa, citizens of Mozambique will save time. Currently, Mozambican citizens are able to enter South Africa and stay for a period of up to 30 days without a visa. However, this might change once the online visa for South Africa is available. There are many different kinds of visas that are available, including tourist visas, and applicants should be sure to apply for the one that best fits their circumstances and needs.

The South Africa eVisa application form begins with straightforward instructions. Applicants will need to provide information such as their names, address, date of birth, as well as details from their passport and their travel plans. Beyond this, there will be questions regarding health and security. Following the completion of the application, the traveler can submit the application. The application will be processed and evaluated. Once approved, the eVisa will be sent via email directly to the applicant.

Documents Required for Mozambican Citizens

To be able to apply for the South Africa eVisa, the requirements for Mozambican citizens currently include a valid passport, a credit or debit card to pay the accompanying fee, and an up-to-date email address in order to be able to receive the approved eVisa once the application process has been completed.

These few things are the basic documents needed for the electronic visa application and anything more specific will be listed on this website once further South Africa eVisa requirements are announced by the South African government.

South African Embassy in Mozambique

South Africa has an embassy in Mozambique. In the case that a citizen of Mozambique is in need of a student, work, or other kind of visa, they can make an appointment at the embassy for further information.

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