Do Colombians Need Visa For Uk

Going insane simply means losing one’s sanity. Going insane is a nightmare that every person has had at one point or another in their life. Usually, it is associated with a situation where you lose your grasp on reality and begin to hallucinate which is commonly referred to as going crazy.

A crazy dream can be a big sign that something is wrong in your life. Yes, I am talking about the kind of crazy that actually feels real while you are dreaming it, and when you wake up, you feel like it was not just some bizarre occurrence, but a message from the universe that something needs to change. Before I go any further with this article, let me state that this doesn’t mean everything that makes you go insane in your dream indicates that you are heading for insanity. In fact, very often, dreams forewarns us about a potential problem before it happens. There may be a slight delay before our brain conveys us the message we get from dreams (like in the case of some dreams we have where we are in a room as one thing happens, then suddenly another thing happens and we are unable to prevent the first from happening), but it almost always does warn us in advance.

Do Colombians Need Visa For Uk

Are you dreaming of things that mean insanity? You may be surprised to learn that the meaning of these dreams depends upon what aspect of the psychosis dream is seen. Some may be lucky enough to visually see their condition but at the same time, some may experience an internal psychosis. It can also depend on how long you have been seeing your symptoms as well as the statistics of it being longer or shorter than expected. This article will attempt to relate what happens when you are having a dream about going insane.


Colombians need a valid passport to travel to the Schengen Area. However, starting May 2023, once ETIAS is fully operational, Colombian citizens will also be required to enroll with the ETIAS authorisation.

The ETIAS electronic authorisation will be mandatory for Colombians, as well as for all other travellers visiting Europe from visa-exempt countries. The ETIAS application process requires applicants to have the following requirements at hand when they access the ETIAS online application:

  • A valid Colombian passport
  • current email address to receive the approved ETIAS
  • valid debit card or credit card to pay the ETIAS visa waiver fee

It is a mandatory requirement that all ETIAS applicants, including nationals from Colombia have a valid biometric passport that is machine-readable when they apply for the ETIAS. This document is also necessary when traveling in the European Union.


As of May 2023, applying for an ETIAS will be a legal requirement for all Colombians traveling to any country within the Schengen zone. Nationals of Colombia will have to use an online registration system before leaving their country of residence.

In order to register for ETIAS, Colombian citizens will be asked to disclose the following information:

  • First, last, and middle name, as they appear on the bio page of the citizen’s passport
  • Passport data including the country and date of issue, and expiry date, as well as the complete passport number
  • Travel plans, including the first country the Colombian national intends to enter within the Schengen Area, their date of arrival as well as departure

Besides the ETIAS requisites for Colombian national previously mentioned, each Colombian traveler will be asked to answer some simple questions pertaining their health during the online application for the European visa waiver.

If the Colombian citizen’s passport nears expiration date, the traveller is advised to renew the passport before enrolling with ETIAS. This is because ETIAS is electronically linked to a single passport, the exact passport used during the online application process.

Similarly, ETIAS is not transferable, neither to a new passport, once the previous one expires, nor to another passport of an eligible nationality that the same citizen may have (in the case of travelers with dual citizenship).

Colombian travellers visiting the European Union with an ETIAS visa waiver are reminded to travel on the same passport used during the ETIAS application. The ETIAS visa waiver has a 3-year validity starting from the date on which it was approved. However, since ETIAS is digitally associated to the passport used in the application process, in the event that the passport expires prior to the 3 years running out, the electronic travel authorisation would be rendered null.

The application for ETIAS for Colombians incorporates some basic security questions within its online form, as well. The online process is easy and straightforward and should require no more than 10 minutes to complete on your smartphone, tablet, or personal computer. Applicants are advised to carefully revise all of the information entered in the form for accuracy. This is because any errors or inconsistencies in the data may delay the processing time, or, in some cases, even result in the ETIAS being denied.

Once approved, the European visa waiver for Colombian citizens is sent to the email address provided during the application process.


All Colombians traveling to Europe with an ETIAS visa waiver will be granted entries into the member countries of the Schengen zone during 90 days within a 180-day period. As of May 2023, the ETIAS will be an obligatory travel requirement for all Colombian citizens travelling to Europe, regardless of their age. The ETIAS will be valid for a total of 3 years.

The EU ETIAS visa waiver grants Colombian citizens the permission to visit any of the European countries that are part of the Schengen zone. All applications are screened by the EU Border Control in order to cross-check information against several security databases including Interpol and the ETIAS watchlist.

All of the information entered by Colombian passport holders in their ETIAS Europe visa waiver application will be checked against a number of security databases. These security databases are managed by the same agency that is behind the implementation of ETIAS: The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, which is otherwise known as eu-LISA.

Some of the security databases used for screening include:

  • VIS, which mainly compiles visa information
  • SIS, which is used to identify individuals suspected to have a criminal record, missing people, and stolen assets
  • EURODAC, which compiles fingerprint data

All of the security procedures linked to ETIAS are being designed and implemented for the purpose of identifying citizens that land in a Schengen Area country illegally, or commit identity fraud, as well as other kinds of unlawful activities.

Therefore, in the event that a Colombian passport holder’s application gets flagged by the system during its automated check against the aforementioned security databases, the citizen’s form will then undergo manual processing by ETIAS officials.

Should the manual assessment by the European Coast or Border Guard be necessary during a traveler’s ETIAS application, this will inevitably result in a lengthened processing time.

An ETIAS visa waiver for travelers from Colombia is likely to be denied in the event that the individual has a history involving serious criminal activity or deportation from another Schengen country.



  • ARE COLOMBIAN VISITORS ALLOWED TO WORK IN EUROPE WITH AN ETIAS VISA WAIVER?No, the ETIAS visa waiver only grants Colombian citizens entry into the Schengen countries for the purposes of tourism, transit and business. ETIAS does not give holders permission to seek employment nor to work in Europe.Colombian passport holders found working in Europe with an ETIAS could have their travel authorisation revoked as well as see themselves deported from the Schengen Area.Nationals from Colombia who wish to work in the Schengen Zone are advised to visit the embassy or consulate of the country in which they wish to seek employment. Embassy or consulate officials will inform Colombian nationals of the requirements needed in order to apply for an appropriate work visa for the desired country.

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