Do College Students Get Summer Break

Do college students get summer break? This is a common question asked by high school students and graduates and adults in general. The answer varies depending on the type of college you attend. There are two types of colleges: public and private. Each one differs in how long summer break is.Do college students get summer break? In most countries, the answer is a resounding yes. The September-to-June school calendar is the standard for higher education worldwide, but there are exceptions to this rule, like the US with its June-to-November calendar.

Students in the US don’t get class-free summers. We all know that the majority of schools are on a two semester year and that semesters typically start around August 1st and end anywhere from January-April. So why do my students think they get free summer break? I’m guessing it’s due to the use of terms “summer” and “break”. It’s not a lot different than referring to winter as “Christmas Vacation” instead of Winter Break and spring as “Spring Break” instead of April vacation.Summer break is a time for students to go on vacation, enjoy their time off, and relax. However, this isn’t the case for college students. Most college students continue working in the summer taking several classes, interning, or finding another part-time job. Press Tab to write more…

Do College Students Get Summer Break

Do colleges HAVE summer break? (20 colleges policies)

Written by Yohannes  in Uncategorized

Every college student looks forward to summer break. At the end of the school year, you want nothing else but to just forget about classes and just relax. So, do colleges really have summer breaks?

Absolutely, colleges do have summer breaks. On average, college summer break lasts approximately 3 months. Most college’s summer break starts mid May and ends late August. 

So relax, you’ll have a long time to forget about school. But college summer break isn’t like high school. There are things you need to be aware of to have a fun break but also come back prepared. Keep reading for a complete answer.

Spend your summer time wisely 

You are an adult now. Back in high school, the only thing I had to think about was if the pool was going to be open for summer break. Students in high school don’t have many responsibilities. They are focused on just having a chill break and not having to think about school. That changes when you enter college.

Suddenly, you become an adult. This is the time where you learn to become independent and think about your future. You’ll have more freedom to do what you want. As you learn to become self-sufficient, you’ll gradually start to have more responsibilities. This also goes out to students living with parents. No matter where you live, you are an adult and you have to start thinking about your future.

The reason I bring this up is because it’s heavily going to influence how you spend your time. Maybe you want to save for the upcoming semester so you decide to work more. Maybe you decide you want to finish earlier so you decide to take summer class. People aren’t going to tell you what to do. You have to look at your situation and use your summer break wisely. 

That doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your break. Just because you are an adult, doesn’t mean you don’t get to have fun. I hung out with my friends plenty during summer break. What matters is you also use your summer break wisely. You have responsibilities and it’s up to you to use your summer time accordingly. You will get plenty of time to enjoy and also do what’s important.

How long is summer break in college?

To be more precise, I gathered information from 10 universities and community colleges to figure out exactly how long their summer breaks are. Here is what I have found:

  • University
UniversitySummer start dayClasses Begin
Kansas UniversityMay 15August 24
University of Texas AustinMay 19August 26
University of MississippiMay 8August 24
Colorado UniversityMay 8August 24
Illinois state universityMay 8August 17
Washington University in St LouisMay 6August 24
Indiana State UniversityMay 8May 18
Oklahoma State UniversityMay 10August 17
West Virginia UniversityMay 8May 26
UCLAJune 12September 28

Summer of 2020

As you can see, universities on average give 105 days for summer break. Up next are community colleges.

If you are at planning on going to college, deciding where to go will be the biggest decision of your life. And campus tours are extremely important in helping you decide. Luckily, I’ve worked as Campus Tour Guide and wrote helpful article on how to get the best out of the tour. So by the time you leave campus, you’ll be confidence on whether if the college is right for you.

  • community colleges

Community College
Summer start dayClasses Begin
Johnson CountyMay 22August 24
Central CarolinaMay 19August 17
Kansas City KansasMay 18August 17
SuffolkMay 19September 2
BronxMay 22August 26
PimaMay 18August 19
MonroeMay 18August 26
AustinMay 17August 24
Los RiosMay 20August 24
DutchessMay 8August 24

Summer of 2020

From the 10 community colleges I researched, the average summer break is 97 days. If you got to a community college, it’s very likely you might one less week of summer break than university students.

DISCLAIMERThe “summer start date” is referring to the last day of finals. Classes end a week before finals week. Technically, you will be done after you have completed all the finals for your classes. That doesn’t have to be the last day of finals. Maybe all your finals happen to be on earlier day on week of finals. So if you take all your finals by Tuesday, you’re officially done. You don’t have to wait for the official last day of finals which is usually on Friday’s.

How will summer class affect summer break?

When I took a summer class, I thought it was absolutely going to ruin my summer. That didn’t happen to be the case at all. Summer courses are only two month long. A huge factor of how your summer class will affect your break is the difficulty of the class.

If you are taking a difficult class like Calculus 1 then it’s absolutely going to require at least 20 hours a week. If you are taking an easy class like public speaking, then it only requires 8-10 hours a week.

Don’t think summer class will ruin your break. It won’t. Especially if it happens to be an easy course. No matter how easy it might be, plan to at least dedicate 10 hours per week for that course. I took trigonometry in the summer and would go directly to the campus library after class to study.

 I would knock out my studying in an hour and have the whole day to myself. If you block out an hour or two everyday for the material, you should be fine. 

Do college students go home for summer?

Most college students do go home for the summer. Students do not have to go, they can stay on campus if they wish to. Students who do choose to stay on campus most probably are taking summer classes. 

Apartments near college are very strict. Most apartment leases will end right after summer break starts. They will give students just enough time to move out and go back home. However, students do have a choice to lease for full 12 months if they plan on staying near campus. 

How to get the most out of your summer break?

  • Internships- 

Internships are the gateway into the workforce. It’s not as simple as completing 4 years and getting a job. In fact, it’s extremely difficult to enter the workforce without having some sort of internships. So think ahead. Look for potential internships that are related to your field. Your university or college should offer service to find an internship, use it. You don’t have to wait until you’re a junior or senior. The earlier you start, the better.

  • Side project- 

Do something you are passionate about. Having your own side project can be important as getting an internship. It could be something as simple as creating a community event or something as difficult as creating your own app. It doesn’t even have to be successful. The main thing is you are making your ideas come to live. Not many students are willing to bet on themselves and start a side project. This is also a great way to stand out from the herd!

  • Reconnect-

As much as you can use your break to get ahead, you also need time to relax. If you go back home, reconnect with your friends. Text your friends that are also back home to catch up. Maybe it’s visiting your favorite ice cream shop or park. Whatever it is, enjoy it. 

  • Travel-

Traveling is the best way to foster an open mind. And there’s no better time than summer to do it. If you can, go to a different country or study abroad! If you can’t, just go on a road trip with family or friends. Whatever you do, try to see something different. Traveling and seeing other cultures gives you a whole different prescriptive. 

  • Summer Class-

Taking summer classes is a great way to get ahead. If there are any general elective classes you won’t need, take them in the summer! Also, take it at a community college. The university near me costs $339 per credit hour while community college near me costs $94 per credit hour! Not only will you be knocking out credit hours but you’ll also be able to dedicate more time to your important courses come fall semester. I’ve taken a summer semester. I was able to pass while also being still able to have a break! It’s completely possible for any student. 

Is summer break good for students?

Absolutely! Even though I have mentioned to use your time wisely, you also need a break. Take time to spend the time with family and reconnect with friends you haven’t seen in a long time. It’s completely possible to use your time wisely while also enjoying your summer break. You just spent the whole year studying (hopefully), of course you’re going to need a break. Don’t feel guilty if you just do absolutely nothing for a week or two, you probably deserve it. Besides, it’ll all start again in a couple of months.

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