Do British Citizens Need A Visa For Brazil

This year in one of the dreams I had, I was working at a supermarket and after my day’s work, two men came to see me. They were aware of my abilities since one of them was a client who had hired me to do a certain job for him. Due to the privacy of the job, I cannot mention it here for reasons which anybody can understand. But these two men knew about it and came to me to ask for help because another person was trying to disturb their work and wanted to stop them from doing what they had started. One of these men was very angry and the other had the look of helplessness on his face. However, both seemed helpless and needed my help.

Do British Citizens Need A Visa For Brazil

Going insane means you have lost sanity due to stress or illness. It is a common daydream theme which is triggered by real life situations that are causing stress and anxiety. In Britain, an estimated 2 in every 100 people will suffer from anxiety, while 1 person of the 100 has experienced psychosis. You are likely to have anxiety if you are worried about your health, finances, or job security; or having trouble in your personal relationships; or when – similar to the situation above – you have unrealistic beliefs about yourself. Heat and dehydration also can cause hallucinations as can some drugs. Drugs are not the only cause of hallucinations. The emergency departments of many hospitals report teens and even children who experience psychotic behavior for no apparent reason. Some develop auditory or visual hallucinations after being involved in frightening situations such as a serious car accident. Stress is one possible source of hallucinations although the causes are often complex and difficult to identify .

A dream about going insane can be interpreted in many ways. However, it is considered to be a symbol of a slip in your psychological state. Many psychologists consider that this dream symbolizes stress, fear and extreme emotional states. Other specialists consider that this dreaming can represent some doubts in your life as you are losing your mind. Each incidence is personal and has different reasons to occur but the main thing is how you react upon it when you become aware that you have been dreaming.

Entry or residence requirements

For advice on entry requirements for Brazil, please visit our travel advice.

British nationals are allowed to visit Brazil without a visa for up to 90 days. Being entitled to apply for an extension on their visa for up to 90 days more, the extension applications are handled by the Brazilian Federal Police.

For visits of any other purposes, you must contact the Brazilian Consulate in London prior to your travel to check what type of visa is required upon arrival in the country.

When applying for residency in Brazil you might be asked to obtain a certificate from the Embassy with information about criminal records which might be held about you.

The British Embassy/Consulates cannot issue any type of certificate in relation to personal information which might be held about you in the UK. You should contact the following UK based agencies for advice on how to apply for this type of information:

Once you have obtained this information you should get it legalised by the Legalisation Office in the UK and translated by an official/sworn translator before submitting it to the Brazilian authorities.

In case you have lived or been living in Brazil and need a Certificate of Criminal Records from the local authorities, you should submit your request to the Brazilian Federal Police.

Foreigner Identity Card and Tax Payer Registry (CPF)

RNM – Registro Nacional Migratório (Foreigner identity card)

This is the foreigner identity card, formerly known as Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros (RNE). Information about applying for a RNM can be found on the website of the Brazilian Federal Police. This document has the same validity as the national identity card (RG) issued for Brazilian nationals.


The Cadastro de Pessoa Fisica (CPF) is the national individual taxpayer registration, issued for residents and non-residents who wish to have assets entitled to taxes in Brazil. If you are in the UK, you can apply through the Brazilian Consulate in London, otherwise you must contact Receita Federal (Brazilian Customs and Revenue).


For information on whether you can continue to or apply for benefits whilst living abroad please visit the following links:

Driving licences and vehicles

According to the Vienna Convention, holders of UK driving licences are allowed to drive in Brazil for 180 days, counting from the day they enter the country, as far as they have their original passport and original valid driving licence with them. After this period, please contact the nearest DETRAN office to apply for the recognition of your driving licence.


Information about taxation in Brazil can be obtained from the Receita Federal do Brasil (Brazilian Federal Revenue).


This information is provided as a general guide and is based upon information provided to the embassy by the relevant local authorities and may be subject to change at any time with little or no notice. The FCDO and the British Embassy will not be liable for any inaccuracies in this information. British nationals wishing to obtain any further information must contact the relevant local authority.

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