Diversity Visa For Canada

Have you dreamed of moving to Canada and living free as a bird? According to reports, there are spaces left in the Diversity Visa Program (DV) which recently began accepting applications. Also, understand that many people dream that they have been shot in their legs or arms. This may be an omen telling you that you feel someone is taking advantage of you.

The Visa Lottery for Canada allows the citizens of some countries to enter the country through a random selection process. The diversity visa program the lottery selects individuals from eligible countries by using a computer generated selection process. The applicants are chosen at random and therefore there is no bias or discrimination involved in determining who gets accepted into the program.

Diversity Visa For Canada

When you dream about getting shot in the leg, it can be something of a shock to the psyche. These dreams can be quite visceral and feel very real — although, as we’ve learned, dreams are not real. In waking life, an experience like that would likely generate a lot of fear or panic in most people.

How to Apply for Canada Green Card Lottery 2022/2023

This article details content relating to Canada green card lottery, Canada diversity visa programs, how to apply for Canada green card and other Canadian immigration related information.

Currently, they’ve been so many questions relating to Canada green card lottery, Canada visa lottery and some other related topics. However, I felt I should update on this, so every international foreigners looking forward to migrate to Canada one way or the other gets accurate information.

What is Canada Green Card?

The “Green Card” term is a document status commonly used in the United States. This document is what makes someone or an international foreigner to live, study, work and reside permanently in USA. Therefore, Canada does have its own version of the “Green Card” popularly known as the Canadian Permanent Residency Card. So don’t get confused when we make use of the “Green card” term to replace for “Permanent residency card”.

What is Green Card Lottery?

The Green Card lottery program also known as the diversity immigration program is a United States government lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. However, it’s also recorded that on yearly basis; approximately 50,000 foreign individuals are being awarded visas based on luck to permanently live in United States under the green card lottery program.

What You Should Know about Canada Green Card Lottery

There’s actually nothing to know about Canada green card lottery because at this moment, the Canadian government don’t offer immigration lottery programs. Although, you may see some online platform promising to deliver Canada green card lottery but they’ll scam platforms. So don’t fall for any. I’ll keep you guys updated anytime the Canadian government make changes on their immigration policy. You can also go through the content I published on Canada visa lottery.

Benefits of Canada Green Card

There are so many benefits attached to Canada green card or permanent residence card, this includes;

  • Social and medical benefits
  • You can live, study and work anywhere in Canada like a Canadian citizen
  • No international fee attached to any of your activities unlike temporary immigrants. For instance, foreigners who study in Canada as temporary immigrants, they may include international fee on study
  • After a period of residence, you can apply to become a Canadian citizen
  • You’ll also get protection of Canadian law, rights and freedom.

Remember, as a permanent residence, you must pay taxes and also respect the Canadian law and rights.

How to Become Canadian Permanent Residence

To get the Canada green card or permanent residency card, you need to apply through the Canadian immigration visa program. Previously, I published a guide related to Canada Immigration visa programs. I advise you go through it and know the program that is best suitable for you. Once you’re an immigrant of Canada, then you can apply for the permanent residence card from their official website.

Travelling with Permanent residence card

It’s advised you have a valid permanent residence car whenever you want to return to Canada because whenever your permanent residence card expires, a new one can’t be shipped outside Canadian address. So make sure you renew before you travel or the period is valid till the date of return. Alternatively, you can make use of your permanent resident travel document.

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