Descriptive essay about summer vacation

Essay about summer vacation includes a great amount of activity. Firstly, it is being taken on the sea coast. It is more pleasant to stay on a shore than in the thicket. Secondly, it is interesting to make photos as with every movement of a wave everything changes .

Everyone wants to be happy. We all want that feeling of joy, but we want more than just a fleeting moment of happiness. We want to be healthy, successful, and most importantly happy. Happiness is one of the most important things in our lives, because it gives us that inner fire that keeps us going. Many things can bring you joy. Some people are happy playing a sport like soccer or basketball. Others are probably happier when they’re playing games on their smartphones or tablets while lying on the beach at some exotic resort on a perfect summer day. 

The summer vacation is the time to relax and enjoy. It is a wonderful time that everyone looks forward to. The most enjoyable part about it is that you can do what you want, when you want, and how much you want. You can go anywhere and visit anyone.

The summer vacation has been a tradition for many years now. It started in the 1800s in Europe and America, where people would travel to other countries or cities for vacationing purposes. Nowadays, people still travel around the world but also stay at home or visit their friends or families.

It is also a great time to spend with your children because they might be bored during school year without any classes or activities at school. Children love spending time outside playing sports such as baseball or football with their friends or even alone if they don’t have any friends yet!

Summer vacation is a time when people can relax, take a break from their busy lives and do whatever they want. It’s a time of joy, peace and hope for the future.

During my summer vacations, I like to go to the beach with my friends and family. We spend most of our day lying on the sand, watching the waves crash onto shore and listening to the sound of seagulls in the distance. The sun feels warm on our backs as we lie there; it’s like a warm blanket that keeps us cozy all day long.

Sometimes we go swimming in the water and have fun splashing each other or building sandcastles together. But most of all I love sitting back and just watching everything going on around me: children playing with their parents, couples kissing each other goodbye before leaving for work in the morning… It makes me feel like there is so much happiness happening around me everywhere all at once!

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