Dependent Visa In Us

Dreams are very strange. Some people say they’re inferences of subconscious thoughts and emotions. Others say they’re the result of what we’ve done or consumed during the day. And some insist dreams are messages from God (I don’t like to mention that one in office meetings). However, it’s likely that dreams derive from a combination of the above. Whatever they are, most people consider dreams very significant and this is especially true for those who believe dreams are messages from above. Of course, when you dream about getting shot in the leg, people become more concerned than excited about it. Here then I’ll discuss my research into dream interpretation using a dream about getting shot in the leg as an example.

Dependent Visa In Us

Nowadays, many people seek out the internet for answers to their questions instead of asking a professional. If you’re going through a medical situation like I was, it’s expected that you’ll end up doing some research on your own. But as with anything, if you want just the facts and not extra information, it pays to get your information from the right source.


An international student may be accompanied to the U.S. by their dependent(s) at any time. Dependents are defined as spouses and/or unmarried minor children. Children over the age of 21 are not eligible to enter as the dependent of an international student (F-1 or J-1 student). An international student’s dependents may apply for their F-2 or J2 visas at the same time that the international student applies for an F-1 or J-1 visa, or they may apply for their F-2 or J-2 visas at a later date. If they are granted the visa, they may enter the United States when the international student does, or they may enter the U.S. at a later date.

If you wish to bring a dependent to the U.S. please contact ISS to learn what information you need to submit to request a dependent I-20 or DS-2019. It is important to determine whether you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your dependents. The University of Wisconsin requires proof of funds that range between $5,000-$7,000 for a spouse and $6,000-$7,000 for each child in order to prepare the dependent I-20 or DS-2019(s). Such proof of funding is required because the U.S. government necessitates that all international students and their dependents present proof of financial resources.

  • If your family members are abroad and you want them to join you in the US, please complete the  and submit it with the required documents listed on the form.
  • If your family members are already in the US on another type of visa and you wish to change their status to F-2 or J-2, you should meet with an ISS advisor during walk-in advising. In some cases it may not be possible to change status while in the US or there may be deadlines to consider.
  • Children born in the United States are US citizens. As such, they are ineligible for F-2 or J-2 status. ISS will not include family members who are US citizens in your documentation.

Note: Please make your requests in a timely manner. ISS strives to complete your requests as soon as possible, but processing may take several weeks. Keep this in mind when making an appointment to apply for visa stamps at an US Embassy/Consulate, booking airline tickets, or meeting deadlines to change status in the US.

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