Dependent Visa For Us Interview Question

If you’re a family dependent and applying for a dependent visa, then there’s a chance you might be asked the following question during your interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate:

Dependent visa is very important a question which asked in the US visa interview, it is to figure out whether you are planning to leave your home country and live in an another country or not.

What do you know about dependent visa? Well, dependent visa is actually a solution to a problem. Let me tell you something first. Most of the people who want to visit USA want to stay back in that country forever. They want their spouse or kid to live in the US with them. But there are some rules related to this which can make it difficult for the family members of the applicant to get a visa on their own. But those rules have been relaxed now, and that is why dependent visa has become more popular now. There are different kinds of dependent visa available for the family members of the US citizen who resides outside United States.

Dependent Visa For Us Interview Question

What Is an H4 Visa Interview?

The H4 Visa interview is a set of questions for a marriage-based visa – one that determines the basics and truthfulness of your marriage. Granted, when you are applying for a visa, you will provide the necessary paperwork to prove that you are married – but the truthfulness of that will be determined by the way in which you go through the interview.

To put it simply, there are many people that get married just so that the immigrant can get a visa and enter the U.S. There is no love involved there – just two people “marrying for benefits,” so that they may get a loan or receive other citizen benefits. These questions are there to determine whether the marriage is a sham or not.

Sample H4 Visa Interview Questions and Answers

When you are preparing to attend the interview, you may want to be as truthful and honest as possible. That being said, this does not mean that you cannot prepare for the questions beforehand.

Questions about the H4 Visa

The first section involves questions regarding the visa. The questions may differ from case to case, but the “correct answer” will depend mostly on the individual. Here are the questions that you may come across:

  • What kind of visa are you applying for?
    • Tell them that you are applying for an H4 visa.
  • Why do you need a USA visa?
    • You can mention that you wish to accompany your spouse.
  • Who made this appointment so that you may attend the interview?
    • Offer a truthful answer, whether it was yourself, your spouse, or someone else.
  • How did you get the documents necessary for the visa interview?
    • Answer honestly. For instance, you may say that your spouse gave them to you.
  • When did the spouse receive their own visa stamping? (If the case asks for it)
    • State the year and the month when they received their stamp.
  • Why haven’t you attended the interview when your spouse did? (If the case asks for it)
    • Answer truthfully. For instance, you may say that you were busy with your studies, or that you only got married later on.

Remember: the more truthful you are with your answers, the clearer it will be that there is nothing unusual going on in your case – and you may be granted the visa.

Questions about You

These questions will go around you and your current situation. Here is what you may expect the interviewer to ask you:

  • What are your plans for when you are coming to the USA? What do you wish to do?
    • You may answer that you wish to be a homemaker.
  • Are you planning on working in the USA?
    • Answer truthfully, whether it is yes or no.
  • Do you have any other family in the USA, aside from your spouse?
    • Answer yes or no, depending on the case – and if it’s yes, give a brief description of your relatives.
  • What is the address where you are currently staying?
    • State the place, city, and state where you are currently staying at.
  • Who are you currently staying with?
    • Answer this truthfully.
  • Where do you plan on staying in the United States, when you get your visa?
    • Here, you may say that you are planning to stay with your spouse.
  • While in the United States, who is responsible for financially supporting you?
    • Most likely, the answer here will also be your spouse.
  • Who is going to pay for your trip as you are going to the United States?
    • Your spouse will pay for the trip.

In most cases, the chances are that your spouse is going to be your answer for everything – but you do have to make sure that you add every other detail that you believe to be relevant.

Questions about Your Marriage

Here, you will have to bring proof of marriage – to show that your marriage is actually legitimate. Here are some questions that you might want to expect:

  • Can you show us a marriage certificate?
    • Yes, and show them the marriage certificate.
  • Can you show us your wedding album?
    • Yes, and show them your wedding album.
  • Can you show us the wedding invitation cards?
    • Yes, and show them your wedding invitation card
  • How long has it been since you got married?
    • State how many years it has been since you got married.
  • On what date did you two get married?
    • Say which month and year you held your wedding.
  • Was it marriage out of love, or was it an arranged one?
    • Answer according to the truth.
  • If it was an arranged marriage, how did it happen?
    • Explain the circumstances of your arranged marriage.
  • When was it that you met your spouse for the first time?
    • Answer accordingly to how it happened.
  • How did you first meet your spouse? Under what circumstances?
    • Tell them the story of how you met your spouse.
  • Where did the two of you get married?
    • Tell them the place, city, and state where you got married.
  • Has your marriage been registered?
    • Say yes – because after all, it should be.
  • How much did it cost for you two to get married, and who paid for it?
    • Answer this truthfully.
  • Did you go through an “engaged period” prior to getting married?
    • Answer this truthfully – and if you have proof, show it.
  • Where did you two go for your honeymoon?
    • Answer this truthfully – and if there is proof, also show it.

Obviously, you will once more have to answer accordingly and truthfully. If you can bring supporting proof to your answers, it will also make your case much easier to plead.

Questions about Your Spouse

This section involves your spouse – or mostly, how much you know about your spouse. This one will determine exactly just how involved you are with your marriage – and with the person, you are planning to spend the rest of your life with:

  • When is your spouse’s birthday?
    • Answer accordingly using the day, month and year.
  • Did your spouse graduate from university? Where did he/she graduate from?
    • State the name of the university.
  • What is the highest school or university degree that your spouse received?
    • Answer truthfully. It may be a high school degree or all the way up to a Ph.D.
  • What is the name of the company at which your spouse is employed?
    • Say the name of the company.
  • In what city and state does the employer of your spouse live or is located?
    • State the city and state where your spouse’s employer is located.
  • Where is your spouse’s client company found?
    • Also, state the city and state to answer their question.
  • What is the line of work of your spouse? What do they do?
    • Explain in brief terms – e.g. they work in computer programming or as a physician. If they ask for details, provide them.
  • How long has your spouse been living in the United States?
    • Say the month and year since they came, or for how many years.
  • How long has it been since your spouse started working with their current employer or sponsoring company?
    • Once more, say when (month, year), or for how many years.
  • How much does your spouse earn every year?
    • State the approximate or exact amount.
  • Can you show us the bank statements and pay stubs of your spouse?
    • Yes – and show them the bank statement.
  • Is your spouse a citizen – and if not, have they applied for a green card?
    • Answer truthfully, whether it is yes, no, or I don’t know.

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