Dependent Visa For Singapore From India

The number of application for dependent visa for Singapore from India has reached to peak point. Dependent is a spouse of an employment pass (EP) holder who accompanies his or her spouse to Singapore. EP employer has to take care of their employee’s family too and responsibility on his shoulder gets increase in number.

Have you heard of the dependent visa in Singapore? This visa is also a popular choice if you are looking to bring along your spouse and children. Dependent visas can be easier to get approved but it is important to remember that there may be a number of criteria such as salary amount, stay duration and age among other things. The information below outlines what you need to know about getting dependent visas for Singapore.

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Can Spouse Work On Dependent Visa In Singapore

Most of the candidates thinking about the Singapore immigration matters. Many of them want to know the Dependent Visa For Singapore From India, options for being a part of this immigration system, do you have to play a role in your fulfilling immigration process? Here is the only source that offers an exhaustive details, dependent visa for Singapore from India.

VisaPro is proud to be a premier Singapore visa agency. We offer a variety of Singapore visas for tourists, students and businesspersons. In this article we will explain the “Dependent” or spouse visa available from Singapore. Total word count: 596 . Here’s a screenshot of the number of words in the article:

To open a business in Singapore, a candidate should have the approval of the concerned authorities of the concerned states. It has been noticed that businesses in certain states have been violating the prescribed rules and regulations issued by the concerned ministries. Thus, to avoid such situations and to get approval from the concerned state authorities, it is important for a foreign entrepreneur to apply for visa for Singapore from India.

In a recent change, The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has made a new ruling on the renewal of Employment Pass for dependent visas. The rise in immigration scam cases has made the MOM come up with this decision to ensure that only eligible dependents can be granted an Employment Pass. There are certain specifics under which an Employment Pass can be issued to dependent spouse and minor children of applicant or existing employee.

Key Facts About the Dependent Pass

  • The main work pass holder’s employer or an employment agent, such as a corporate services provider, must apply for the Dependent Pass.
  • The Dependent Pass is available to the spouse and unmarried children of a work pass holder. Work pass holders include EntrePass, Employment Pass (EP), Personalised Employment Pass (PEP) and S Pass holders.
  • A Dependent Pass is valid for the same period of time as the main work pass.
  • A Dependent Pass can be renewed up to 6 months in advance of expiring.
  • A dependent of an EP, PEP, or EntrePass holder can work in Singapore by obtaining an Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit, or Letter of Consent (LOC). LOC is applicable only if the applicant wishes to operate a business. Contact us if you need help registering a business in Singapore.

Dependent Pass Eligibility Requirements

Work pass holders can bring the following family members to Singapore with a Dependent Pass:

  • Legally married spouse and
  • Unmarried children under 21 years old. This includes legally adopted children.

To bring dependents to Singapore, EP, PEP, and S Pass holders must make a minimum of S$6,000 per month.

Alternatively, to qualify to bring dependents, EntrePass holders must meet certain annual business spending and local hiring requirements for their company.

Documents Required

In order to apply for the Dependent Pass, the candidate must provide a copy of the particulars passport page.

Additionally, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) may also require the following additional documents:

  • A copy of the marriage certificate (for a legally married spouse)
  • A copy of the official birth certificate (for children under 21)
  • A copy of the adoption order (for adopted children under 21)
  • Verification of Vaccination Requirements (for entry to Singapore): This document is issued by the Health Promotion Board for foreign-born children aged 12 years old and below and applying for a new DP.

Note that all documents must be in English or officially translated into English.

How To Apply Dependent Pass In Singapore

Application Procedure

In order to apply for a DP the work pass holder’s company or an employment agent must complete the following steps:

1. Submit an application: Typically, the company or immigration services provider will submit an application online through EP Online. Once the application has been submitted and the S$105 application fee has been paid, MOM will usually process the application within 3 weeks for dependents of EP and S Pass holders, or within 8 weeks for dependents of Employment Pass (Sponsorship), PEP, or EntrePass holders.

2. If approved, MOM will send an in-principle approval letter (IPA): Applicants will receive the IPA through EP Online. Once the IPA has been received, the candidate has to enter Singapore and request to issue the DP. A dependent of an EP, PEP, or EntrePass holder has 6 months to issue the DP. A dependent of an S Pass holder 2 months to issue the DP.

3. Issue the DP: The candidate must be in Singapore to request to issue the DP. Additionally, in order to obtain the pass, the company or employment agent must submit the following through EP Online:

  • The candidate’s passport details
  • The details of the candidate’s current Short Term Visit Pass or immigration pass details
  • The candidate’s Singapore contact details and residential address in Singapore
  • The local address where the DP card can be delivered
  • Contact and personal details of at least one authorised recipient who can receive an SMS or email alert with delivery details
  • Payment of S$225

Certain cases may also require the following additional documents:

  • A Disembarkation/Embarkation card (immigration white card)
  • A completed medical examination form or health declaration form
  • A completed declaration form attached along with the candidate’s in-principle approval letter.

Once the documents are submitted the DP will be issued immediately.

4. Once the DP is issued, the candidate will receive a notification letter: The notification letter is valid for 1 month and allows the candidate to travel in and out of Singapore while waiting for the pass card. If the candidate needs more time to complete the card registration procedures, the validity of the notification letter can be extended. In addition, the notification letter will state if the candidate needs to have his or her fingerprints registered and photo taken.

5. Register fingerprints and get a photo taken (if necessary): New candidates and candidates who last registered over 5 years ago must register their fingerprints and have their photo taken.

EP, PEP, and EntrePass dependents must register their fingerprints and get their photo taken within 2 weeks of the DP being issued. S Pass dependents must register within 1 week.

Candidates must make an appointment with the Employment Pass Services Centre. At the appointment, candidates must have the following documents ready:

  • Original passport
  • Appointment letter
  • Notification letter
  • Documents listed in the IPA letter and notification letter

6. Receive the DP card: The candidate will receive the card within 4 working days.

Appealing A Rejection

If a DP application is rejected, the company or employment agent must appeal within 3 months. An appeal should be filed only if new information can be presented that addresses the issues in the rejection advisory.

Appeals can be submitted online and take a minimum of 3 weeks to be processed by MOM.

Can Dependent Pass Work In Singapore 2022

Working With A DP

Dependents of an EP, EntrePass, or PEP holder will need to apply for an Employment Pass, S Pass, Work Permit, or LOC in order to work in Singapore. The latter is applicable only if the applicant wishes to operate a business in Singapore. The Dependent Pass holder’s employer or an employment agent must apply for the respective work pass with MOM. The relevant qualifying salaries, quotas, and levies of the respective work passes will apply.

The duration of the work pass obtained by the DP holders is tied to the validity period of the work visa. DP holders who get a Work Permit will not be subject to source requirements, six-monthly medical examination, security bond, and pregnancy restrictions.

Upon obtaining an EP or S Pass, DP holders are required to submit a cancellation of their Dependant Pass request to MOM.

Studying With a DP

Children with a DP have access to primary and secondary school education in Singapore. Students with a DP can apply to attend both private and public schools. Note that admission to a Singapore public school is not guaranteed.

A DP holder that wishes to attend one of Singapore’s universities is typically required to obtain a Student Pass. However, for courses that are shorter than the duration of the Dependent Pass, the DP holder need only receive a Letter of Consent from the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority of Singapore (ICA).

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Renewing A DP

A Dependent Pass is valid for the same duration as the main work pass. To renew a DP, the work pass holder’s employer or employment agent must submit a renewal request with MOM.

A DP can be renewed up to 6 months in advance of the pass expiring. If the DP is renewed early, the DP holder will not lose the remaining days on his pass. Rather, the renewed pass will be valid starting when the current pass expires.

A renewal request for a dependent of an EP, PEP or S Pass holder can be submitted through EP Online. Conversely, renewal requests for an EntrePass dependent must be submitted through the mail.

Not all renewals are guaranteed. Each renewal application is evaluated based on the current criteria set by MOM. If approved, the candidate will receive an in-principle letter of approval from MOM.

Candidates must then go through the same procedure to issue the DP and, if necessary, register fingerprints and have their photo taken before receiving a new DP card.

NOTE: DP holders who are currently unable to return to Singapore to have their passes renewed, should cancel the passes and re-apply for them once the COVID-19 situation has stabilised. DP holders who are currently on Stay-Home Notice or Quarantine Order, and cannot do their medical examinations, can submit an extension request to get the renewed pass issued.

Replacing A DP Card

If a DP card is stolen, lost or damaged, the company or employment agent must apply for a replacement card within 1 week. If the card was stolen, the application must include a police report that must be in English or translated into English.

Note, if the DP holder is overseas, the main work pass holder’s employer must notify MOM immediately. Once notified, MOM will issue the DP holder a letter that will allow him to enter Singapore.

Replacement card applications can be completed through EP Online. Once the request is submitted the applicant will be required to pay a non-refundable fee of:

  • S$60 for damaged cards
  • S$100 for the first lost card and S$300 for any lost cards thereafter

If approved, MOM will issue a card replacement letter that gives instructions to collect the new card.

The DP holder then has 4 working days to collect his new card at the Employment Pass Services Centre. No appointment is necessary but the DP holder must bring the following documents:

  • An original passport
  • The card replacement letter
  • The damaged card (if applicable)
  • The completed declaration form (for lost or stolen cards)
  • A police report (for stolen cards)

If the lost card is found, it must be returned to the following address:

Ministry of Manpower, 18 Havelock Road, Singapore 059764

Notifying MOM of Any Changes

The main pass holder’s employer or an employment agent must inform MOM if any of the following changes occur:

  • The DP holder has moved to a new address
  • The DP holder’s personal particulars have changed

The MOM should be notified within 5 days of any changes by submitting a request via EP Online and uploading the relevant supporting documents. The request will be processed within 7 working days. Written requests to update personal particulars details will no longer be accepted.

Canceling A DP

If the main work pass is canceled, the corresponding Dependent Pass will be canceled at the same time. Furthermore, a DP holder is required to cancel his or her pass if:

  • The main work pass holder has become a Permanent Resident or
  • The DP holder decides to leave Singapore to reside elsewhere
  • The DP holder has obtained an EP or S Pass

The main work pass holder’s employer or registered employment agent must cancel the pass via myMOM Portal. To have a valid stay in Singapore during the cancellation process, the DP holder can submit a request for a 30-day Short-Term Visit Pass (STVP). Upon leaving Singapore, the DP holder must give the STVP to immigration authorities.

Upon DP cancellation, any related Letter of Consent or Work Permit will also be cancelled.

Once the pass is canceled, the Dependant Pass holder must cut the pass card in half and discard it to prevent misuse.

DP to Permanent Resident

A Dependent Pass holder can obtain permanent residency in Singapore through the main work pass holder. When applying for Permanent Residency, a work pass holder can simultaneously apply for permanent residency for her dependents.

To navigate the permanent residency process, it’s best to engage the services of a filing agent such as a corporate service provider. Such a provider can give expert guidance and ensure that all documents meet ICA standards.

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