Countdown till summer break

We’re just about two weeks away from summer break and the kids are already counting down the days. I’d say that I’m just as anxious to put this school year behind me. Why? It has nothing to do with Mrs Robins annoying voice and it has everything to do with summer activities and fun! There’s a new theme park that opened up, not too far away and we plan on visiting it during our summer break. We’re also planning to visit some of my husband’s relatives down south, which will be a change of pace. All said, I believe it’ll be a vacation worth remembering. Counting Down till Summer Break

 Summer is fast approaching and everyone seems to be counting down and getting excited. This countdown timer will help your students to have all the information they need, right at their fingertips.

It’s almost here!

Summer break is just around the corner, and we’re ready to get out there and have some fun. We’ll be counting down to summer break with a series of posts about all of our favorite things to do over break.

We’ll be sharing our tips on how to beat the heat without turning into a popsicle, what we’re packing in our suitcases, and how you can score some sweet deals on your last minute travel needs.

So check back often for updates on what’s going on with us this summer!

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