Cost Of Work Permit In Germany

Germany has a dual education system with vocational training and apprenticeships alongside academic education. Both sexes are equal in pursuing careers that were traditionally dominated by male candidates. The return of women to the labor market has increased significantly since 2004.  For this purpose, the German government introduced work permit for spouses accompanying their husbands / wives who joined the university or any other higher vocational training.

Germany has the largest economy in Europe and the fifth largest economy in the world. It is a country of high labor cost and benefits. It’s also famous for its excellency in automotive industries and machinery industries. Nowadays, there are lot’s of Filipinos who migrate to work in Germany (mostly , München, Frankfurt am Main and Düsseldorf) because it offers a lot of jobs most specially those with financial companies like banks. Germany is one of your best option if you’re seeking to work abroad because of its high quality of job opportunities and their good benefits.

Cost Of Work Permit In Germany

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Work Permits and Employment-based Visas

Over the past few years, the German government has tried to encourage the immigration of highly qualified professionals by relaxing work permit and employment visa laws for Germany. Read on to find out more about work permit eligibility and types in Germany.

Germany’s Work Visa Requirements

If you are an EU citizen, you can work in Germany without a work visa as if you were a German citizen. Non-EU citizens need a visa or residence permit to take up employment.

German Work Permit Fees and Process

The cost for a German work permit (employment visa) is 75 EUR (90 USD). You will need to complete Germany’s work permit visa (or employment permit) application form, called Antrag auf Erlaubnis einer Beschäftigung, and get a residence permit or Antrag auf Erteilung eines Aufenthaltstitels. If you need guidance on your visa process, contact our immigration professionals who will tell you the steps you need to follow for a successful application.

Business Visa

You will need a business visa if you want to come to Germany for business purposes and you are not from the EU or a country included in the visa waiver program. A German business visa allows you to visit and stay in Germany for up to 90 days in a six-month period. You need a business visa if you want to come to Germany to perform business, sign contracts,and go to meetings and other related appointments.

Family Reunion Visa

For most non-EU nationals, bringing along a spouse and/or children comes with fairly strict requirements. You should try to apply for a family reunification visa as early as you can, because it is common for there to be a backlog of applications to be processed.

Family Reunion Visa Regulations

  • You must earn sufficient income to support your family financially.
  • You need to provide housing for your family.
  • In some cases, your spouse must prove basic knowledge of the German language.
  • Your children must be younger than 18 and unmarried.

If you have immigrated as a skilled professional or you are an EU/EEA national, none of this applies.

There are also separate regulations for nationals of the following countries: Andorra, Australia, Canada, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, San Marino, South Korea and the United States.

If you want to get married in Germany, you and your fiancé(e) may need the following documents:

  • Passport.
  • Birth certificate, and birth certificates of any children you have together.
  • Proof you have been in Germany for at least 21 days (e.g. a Meldebescheinigung)
  • Proof you are single.
  • Application from the Standesamt or civil registration office (after you apply there in person with your partner).

The following may also be required:

  • A Certificate of Freedom to Marry, No Marriage Affidavit, or Certificate of No Impediment, which prove you are single.
  • Marriage certificates from any previous marriages.
  • Proof of financial means, e.g. bank statements or salary slips.

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