Cost Of Pr Visa For Australia

If you are a student or a worker planning to go to Australia for permanent residency, you might be wondering about the costs associated with obtaining a visa. We have created this website to help answer specific questions regarding the costs of Australian PR visas . 

Australia has a lot to offer. If you are planning on moving to Australia, then you must have done your research and know what this country is capable of giving you. Then, why are some people still wasting time doing researches when they could have already moved to the country?

Cost Of Pr Visa For Australia

Visas are an important part of travelling. If you are not from a visa-exempt country, or if you intend to stay in Australia for longer than three months, you need to apply for a visa before you travel. To apply for a visa, you must first have an Australian immigration lawyer help you figuring out which kind of visa is most suitable for you. It is important to be aware that there is not just one type of visa that can be issued on applications made to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in Australia. There are many types of visas, with each having its own set of benefits and conditions attached.

Cost of using a Migration Agent

If you decide to use a Migration Agent to guide and manage your Visa Application, you need to add to the above the cost of obtaining these professional services. The MARA web site has a page with an overview of what Migration Agents in Australia currently charge for managing applications for the various visa classes.

Cost of using AMES as your Migration Agent

The Consultancy Fee charged by AMES for its services is broadly in line with those set out on the MARA website and, as indicated there, our fee will vary depending on the type of visa involved.

When you request an AMES Eligibility Assessment Report it will include a firm quote for the amount of our Consultancy Fee, which always includes the costs of photocopying, mail, telephone, fax and internet charges. As a general rule you will have the option of paying it in three instalments:

  1. one third when you sign the contract appointing us as your Migration Agent
  2. one-third when your Skills Assessment Application is ready to be lodged
  3. one-third when your Visa Application is complete and ready for lodgement with the Department of Immigration and Citizenship.

What we will do for you

As your Migration Agent we will –

  • explain in detail what is involved in the Visa Application process
  • assist you with your application for Skills Assessment, including advice on
    • how to prepare all the supporting documentation, and
    • how to complete the Application Form(s)
  • lodge your application for Skills Assessment with the appropriate assessing authority
  • monitor the progress of your Skills Assessment application through the relevant authorities
  • lodge your application for State/Territory Sponsorship, if required and monitor its progress
  • assist you with your Visa Application, including the Expression of Interest, and all relevant written submissions, application forms and associated documentation
  • lodge your Visa Application with the Department of Immigration abd Citizenship.
  • monitor the progress of your Visa Application through the Department.

We estimate that – as a general guide – the TOTAL COST of a Visa Application managed by AMES will be –

  • AUD$ 6,000 to 8,000, if you apply under the Skilled Migration Program, and
  • AUD$ 8,500 to 15,000, if you apply under the Business Migration Program.

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