Companies Sponsoring Visa In Netherlands

There are many countries that compete for the attraction of global tourists. The Netherlands, as a country, is known for its famous landmarks, such as tulips of Amsterdam and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. Tourists also visit the country with affordable living costs. For these reasons, there are several companies that want to sponsor your visa so you can enjoy all the attractions this country has to offer. Depending on your nationality, choosing the right company to sponsor your visa depends on many factors. In this article, we will talk about some of those companies that can help you come to Netherlands easily.

Most people these days are going for immigration company. This is because it has become quite difficult to apply for visa as a foreign national. With immigration company you can apply for different visa and once your application will be approved you can live in any country of the world. The demand of immigration agent is increasing day by day and many immigration company are there now for the convenience of people who want to apply for their visa.

Companies Sponsoring Visa In Netherlands

Visa is the foundation of economic development, without which the progress could not be made. For a new country to enter in the world market, they need certain requirements that can accelerate their entry into the world economy. A country needs to ease visa regulations and improve cross-border communication with other countries in order to bring in foreign investments

When considering getting a visa for the Netherlands, the thought may have crossed your mind: “Can I just get a sponsored visa for my work?”

It may seem like an easy route; find a job, snap up an easy visa, and maybe even have your employer pay for your relocation costs to Holland.

In practice — sadly, it’s not that easy. 

Sponsored jobs are few and far between in the Netherlands, thanks to a highly proficient workforce of Dutchies, and a work pool that includes almost the entire European Union. 

However, don’t despair. It is possible to find success in landing a sponsored job in the Netherlands. If not, there are almost always other ways to work in the Netherlands!  

We teamed up with our friends at Undutchables for this article, because their team know more about getting employed in the Netherlands than we could ever hope to! If you’re looking for a job in the Netherlands we highly recommend getting in touch.  

What is a sponsored job?

Let’s jump into the basics first. A sponsored job refers to employment where your employer also helps with your work visa.

Essentially, a company, university, or research institution in the Netherlands wants you, an international, to come and work for them. 

This employer loves you so much and thinks you’ll do such an amazing job that they’re willing to go to vouch for you at immigration just to get you a visa to work in the country.

Pretty sweet deal right? 

READ MORE | 10 things to know before finding work in the Netherlands as an international

But there is one main caveat: in the Netherlands, not every employer can sponsor someone for a job. In most cases, they first must be considered a recognised sponsor by the Dutch immigration department (IND).

We’ll tell you exactly what a “recognised sponsor” is (and how to find one) later.

What is the benefit of getting a sponsored job in Holland?

By gaining a sponsored job in Holland your life will generally be a lot easier than by taking another visa route.

If you become employed by a recognised sponsor, you’ll enjoy a fast-tracked application for your work visa from the IND (Dutch Immigration Department). It will only take around two weeks to get a visa, instead of three months!

For you, that means less waiting around to get your visa, and a quicker chance to jump straight into your new job (and new Dutch life!)

There are other benefits too. For example, if you arrive to work for a recognised sponsor and you’re considered a Highly Skilled Migrant or have a European Blue Card, your employer has to give you a pretty decent wage:

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