Clipart of summer vacation

All kinds of vacation videos and pictures are to be found in the summer clipart collection. Everything you want for your holiday is in stock: beaches, water parks, fun fairs and sun landscapes as well as plenty of delicious landscape pictures. A great variety of themes that can be combined with font- and lettering sets allows you to create funny birthday cards, invitations or greeting cards.

Searching for thousands of premium, royalty free images to use in your projects? Look no further: we’ll serve them up, piping hot with our reliable collection. ALL images are contained in a convenient, easy-to-use photo gallery so you can find exactly what you were looking for.

The clipart of summer vacation shown here is a vector illustration of a woman in colorful clothing, holding a beach ball and standing on the beach.

The woman is wearing a red top, blue shorts, and white shoes. Her hair is brown and curly, her skin is tan, and she has brown eyes. She’s holding a yellow beach ball in one hand and has a yellow bag at her feet. The beach behind her is blue with yellow sand and turquoise water.

In the background are palm trees with coconuts hanging from them, clouds in different shades of blue and white, birds flying overhead, sunflowers growing in the sand near the water’s edge, an empty boat on its side next to another boat that has three people inside it out at sea (one of them being an adult male).

Summer vacation is a time for fun and relaxation, but it’s also a great opportunity for kids to catch up on the work they’ve missed during the school year.

When you’re planning your summer vacation, make sure to schedule in some time for learning. Here are some ideas:

  • Take a field trip to the library or museum
  • Sign up for an online course (or several!)
  • Read books together as a family

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