Class 10 summer vacation homework

It’s summer vacation for grade 10 students. This is the time when they can enjoy their leisure time without any tension of studies and examinations. But, if you are a student of grade 10 then you would love to get something useful done during this vacation. You would want to prepare yourself for the next session. Even though you will be enjoying your holiday, don’t forget to carry out at least some of these useful works which will benefit your studies in the long run.

There are many old age homes and orphanages that need kids to do their job. But, this is applicable to the kids who are willing enough to face some hard motivation in order to learn something new and can still hold a conversation while they’re working. What you have to do is ask him/her if they have any plans between session(s) and ask them what they would like to do during summer vacations, schedule it, check with her/him on the progress being made (make sure he/she understands what it takes to get the job done), make necessary adjustments if needed, complete the work and give them a certificate of appreciation as well.

Class 10 summer vacation homework

The following is the list of class 10 summer vacation homework. Please follow the instructions given below:

1) Read chapter 1 in the book titled “Essentials of Economics” by Ramesh Singh and answer questions 1-5.

2) Read chapter 2 in the book titled “Essentials of Economics” by Ramesh Singh and answer questions 6-10.

3) Read chapter 3 in the book titled “Essentials of Economics” by Ramesh Singh and answer questions 11-15.

4) Read chapter 4 in the book titled “Essentials of Economics” by Ramesh Singh and answer questions 16-20.

Summer Vacation Holiday Homework for Class 10 2022-2023

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