Checklist For Open Work Permit In Canada

To apply Canada Work Permit, there are certain requirements are to be fulfilled by the applicant. For that purpose lists and forms regarding these requirements are available on CIC website. The application for Canada Open Work Permit is made at the Canadian visa post where the applicant resides. Considering the number of documents required for applying Canada open work permit, it is recommended to make well prepared checklist that includes all essential documents and other things. For this purpose form and checklist are available on CIC website in relevant link mentioned below. Without signing this checklist, applicant should not go for Canada apply work permit process.

Checklist For Open Work Permit In Canada

Citizenship and immigration Canada (CIC) has put in place an open work permit for those who have applied for and obtained an open work permit. The Open Work Permit is credited as a benefit to immigration and can be obtained either after becoming permanent residents or while in the process of applying for permanent residence depending on your situation. The Open Work Permit allows people to have a job but at the same time study or work on business projects can also apply.

Open Work Permit Anyone who isn’t a Canadian citizen and who wishes to legally work in Canada must be authorized for an open work permit. This kind of work permit allows the person with this type of temporary residence permit to apply for a job without being required to hold a job offer from an employer or having to provide proof that no Canadians or permanent residents were able to fill the position.


Application package

This application package has:

  • an instruction guide, and
  • the forms you need to fill out.

The instruction guide:

  • has information you must know before you submit your application, and
  • explains how to fill out the forms and gather your supporting documents.

Read the instruction guide completely and then fill out each of the applicable forms.

The forms are designed with questions that will help the processing of your application.

Symbols used in this guide

This guide uses these symbols to draw your attention to important information:

Required step

What you must do to have your application processed.

Important information

Important information that you need to know to avoid delays or other problems.

Get more information

Where to get more information.

Note: Tips that will help you with this application.

Before you apply

Who can use this application guide?

This application guide will help you apply for a work permit from outside Canada.

What is work?

Work is an activity for which wages are paid or commission is earned. An unpaid activity can also be “work” if it competes directly with activities of citizens or permanent residents in the Canadian labour market.

What is a work permit?

A work permit is a written authorization that is:

  • issued by an officer that allows a person who is not a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident to work in Canada;
  • needed if you want to work in Canada, even if your employer is not in Canada;
  • usually valid only for a specific employer, job and length of time;
  • issued based on a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), or an Offer of employment from an LMIA-exempt employer.

Employer Compliance Regime

The Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations (IRPR) have requirements that allow us to protect your rights when you work in Canada by making sure that your employer respects the terms of their offer of employment.

For a work permit application, we will evaluate your employer on:

  • whether or not the offer of employment is genuine;
  • their compliance history (within the past six years) with the commitments listed in their offer of employment with respect to:
    • wages;
    • working conditions; and
    • the job;
  • whether or not they follow Federal-Provincial or Territorial Laws; and
  • whether or not they are banned from hiring a foreign national as per the IRPR.

Employers who have not complied with past commitments to foreign workers may be banned from hiring any foreign workers for a specific length of time. The length of the ban is noted on the public list of employers who have been found non-compliant.

You must not work for an ineligible employer. Check the current List of employers who have been found non-compliant.

Note: If your employer is a mission, foreign government, international organization or a bridge or tunnel authority, they may be exempt from the Employer Compliance Regime. Find out more about this exemption.

What is a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)?

An LMIA is a document from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) that gives the employer permission to hire a temporary worker.

ESDC will assess the employer’s LMIA application to determine what impact hiring a temporary foreign worker would have on Canada’s job market. ESDC will issue a positive or negative LMIA letter to the employer. Your employer should give you a copy of this letter to include with your application for a work permit.

The LMIA is usually given for a specific period of time and the work permit issued will match that period. If you want to renew your work permit beyond this period, you will likely need a new LMIA. Find out more about the LMIA.

Note: LMIA-exempt work permits have different conditions that are reviewed by IRCC or CBSA. Find out if you need an LMIA.

Offers of Employment from a specific employer for LMIA-exempt foreign workers

If you do not need an LMIA to work in Canada, your employer must submit an offer of employment to us through the Employer Portal. Your employer must give you an Offer of Employment number and pay the Employer compliance fee before you start your work permit application. The Offer of Employment number starts with the letter “A” and is followed by seven numbers.

If your employer does not need to pay the employer compliance fee, they must upload proof of their fee exemption in the Employer Portal.

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