Canada Visitor Visa For Siblings

Visitor visa requirements for the visitor visa for the applicant’s eligible family members: Spouse or common law partner; Dependants aged less than 22 years; Dependants aged 22 to 24 years if they are full time students in Canada for at least four months before the visit and have been accepted to a Canadian educational institution; Dependants aged 22 and over who have never been dependent persons.

As a citizen of Canada, you can sponsor each one of your siblings who are in Canada and living as Canadian permanent residents to get their Visitor Visa.

Are you looking for ways to sponsor your brothers and sisters who are currently outside Canada? If you haven’t been able to find the right information or get all of your questions answered, we’re here to help.

Canada Visitor Visa For Siblings

Sibling Sponsorship Canada Immigration

Who Can Sponsor a Sibling

You can sponsor certain relatives if you’re 18 years of age or older and a:

  • Canadian citizen or
  • person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act or
  • permanent resident of Canada

You must live in Canada to sponsor eligible relatives unless you:

  • are a Canadian citizen who lives abroad and
  • plan to return to Canada when your relatives immigrate and
  • are sponsoring your:
  • spouse or
  • common-law or conjugal partner or
  • dependent children who have no dependent children

If you live in Quebec, you must also meet Quebec’s conditions to be a sponsor after we approve you as a sponsor. This includes signing an “undertaking” with the province. This is a contract that binds your sponsorship.

Your Responsibilities as a Sponsor

When you sponsor a relative to become a permanent resident of Canada, you must:

  • meet set income guidelines
  • agree in writing to give financial support to your relative and any other eligible relatives coming with them:
    • beginning on the date they become a permanent resident
    • for up to 20 years (depending on their age and how you’re related)

The person you sponsor must sign an agreement saying they will make the effort to support themselves. This includes sponsored dependent children 18 or older. Dependent children under 19 don’t have to sign this agreement.

Who Isn’t Eligible to Sponsor a Sibling

You may not be able to sponsor a relative if you:

  • are in prison
  • have not paid your alimony or child support payments
  • have declared bankruptcy and haven’t been released from it yet
  • got social assistance for reasons other than being disabled
  • didn’t pay back an immigration loan, made late payments or missed payments
  • sponsored another relative in the past and didn’t meet the terms of the sponsorship agreement were convicted of a violent crime, any offense against a relative or any sexual offense, depending on details of the case, such as:
    • the type of offense
    • how long ago it was
    • whether a record suspension was issued (formerly called “pardons” in Canada)

You Can Sponsor a Sibling to Canada but With Many Restrictions

You may sponsor one relative, related by blood or adoption, of any age if you meet all of the conditions, including:

You don’t have any living relative you could sponsor instead, such as a:

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