Canada Study Visa With 7 Years Gap

Are you planning to study abroad? Do you know that Canada has made it easy for students and parents to study in Canada? There is lots of opportunities available to you as a Canadian student, once you get your visa. You can get tuition free or discounted education and also have aid for living expenses. Also, you will be allowed to work part time during your studies right when you arrive in Canada.

Are you a citizen of any European country, USA or Canada and are planning to move to the other country? You might have a valid reason to do that. That reason can be better living and career opportunities, taking care of your old or unwell parents and aging family members or may be just because you want to. Either ways, moving to Canada under any immigration category is possible by acquiring one of the many Canadian immigration Visa’s that exists.

Right here on Touriangle you can rest assured to obtain all the relevant information you need on which country accepts 10 year study gap, study visa after 9 years gap, 10 years study gap acceptable in Canada, and so much more. Be sure to surf through our catalog for more information on related topics.

10 Years Study Gap Acceptable In Canada

Canada launches Express Entry System (EE) to manage their immigration program. Canada has been the first country to introduce a new system i.e. Express Entry for faster and easier immigration procedure for skilled workers, qualified professionals and international graduates who wish to settle down in Canada with their families.

What is the study gap?

Study gap is the time period between your last qualification and now. E.g. You finished your graduation in 2015 and you want to apply for admission / visa in 2021, then you have a gap of 6 years. 

When we plan to file a study visa for any country this is a general and most important question which is asked by you, How long is the gap in your study or is there even a gap.

So Gap is a duration between your last qualification and to date.

Many students take a year off after 12th for Government exam preparation or for JEE or Medical or they even fail in their first year of study or you might be engaged in some work post your studies. So this is exactly what is defined as a GAP.

Now the question arises,

Is a Study Gap Acceptable in Canada?

If you are applying for new study permits in Canada, Colleges or Immigration can question the study gap.

A very long study period may prove to be a challenge for the college to accept you. The Canadian education system is Quite flexible enough to allow it.

The study gap of up to 2 years is acceptable for Undergraduate and Diploma applicants and the study gap up to 5 years is acceptable for postgraduate applicants. There are a few exceptions to a few students who have shown their field of study exceptional expertise.

IF Your GAP Is More Than 5 To 10 Years Then Click Here How We Can Fix The Study Gap for Canada?

If you have some work experience then as proof of your study gap you can show it to university and immigration.

Documents that works as a filler of study GAP:

  • Wage Slips
  • Letter of Appointment
  • Admission Letter of University or College in India.
  • Marksheet and Diploma or any short course done in India.

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Canada is a very welcoming country for International Students and the education system is quite unique in its own way.

Having practical experience in India is an added advantage for any student going there for higher studies.

Studying in Canada needs to be planned well in advance and the right guidance is something that you would require at every step.

Documents Required for Visa to Study in Canada:

  • Educational Documents
  • Passport IELTS (6.5 for PG and 6 for UG)
  • COE
  • GIC
  • Medical
  • SOP
  • Gap Justification if Necessary
  • Immigration/Embassy Forms

Once we have collected all these documents and have covered our gap nicely then we don’t think there would be any problem getting the Study permit of Canada.

The gap is not an issue if it is because of the genuine reason and you were doing something productive within that time.

All you need to take care of is that your case is well represented before the college and the Embassy of Canada.

As you know, studying in Canada requires a study permit. Once you arrive in Canada, this study permit is issued to students. To acquire the study permit the student must first apply for a study visa provided by the Canadian High Commission.

The study permit for Canada costs CAD $150 which is around INR 7,465.

The applications are available both offline and online. This fee is to be paid when the application is submitted or a fee receipt of online payment is given.

Study Gap Acceptable In Canada 2021

Canada Study Visa rules allow students to stay in Canada after the completion of studies. You may continue to stay in country on a temporary visa or apply for a permanent resident status after you obtained a degree or diploma.

You are a student who wants to go to Canada for study, but you have a seven year long gap between the completion of studies and your current application. Have you ever thought about applying with a seven-year long gap? Well, let us make it clear that this is not the best idea.Why not you ask? Well, it’s for the following reasons:-          There is no fixed rule regarding duration of stay in Canada for study. You must choose a study program which allows you to stay in Canada for 7 years maximum.

If you have no intent to go and stay out of your residence in Canada at any time during the period that is authorized for you to stay in Canada, you can apply for a study permit if: • You are not authorized to study in Canada or you were previously authorized but did not study during the entire period.

Most of the students with gap years who want to study abroad face problems in justifying the reasons for their study gap, the following are some of the reasons accepted by the universities and colleges in Canada

  • Traveling – Several students from all over the world used to travel around, after their qualification. Some students consider this as redemption after the struggles they would have faced during their schooling or undergraduate period. Through traveling, the independence the student gains will boost their performance during their college period.
  • Family – Family issues are one of the toughest parts, which is not negligible. This reason is quite considerable for the institutions since it is not a negligible issue.
  • Work Experience – Some students prefer to work after their graduation to gain some experience. This helps the student to achieve professional growth, and with additional graduation, the student may be able to give the best impression during their job search. This reason is accepted in the colleges and universities in Canada, with proof of payslips and experience letter.
  • Medical Issues – Students do face problems with their medical conditions and accidents which makes a year stagnant for them. This type of study gap is accepted in the colleges and universities in Canada only if the student provides valid medical certificates.
  • A Second Chance – The concept of Entrance exams has become common among the students of India. Some used to take their time to prepare for exams for more than a year but unfortunately not all the students can clear it. So, as a second chance, the students prefer to study abroad for better education.
  • Skill development – Other than a degree or a qualification, most of the students begin to learn new skills and certification courses like Digital Marketing, Graphic designing, Photography, etc. to develop themselves for a better future. This study gap is considered in Canadian colleges and universities.
  • Arranging for Finance –  Usually studying in Canada is costlier than studying in India. Not all Indian students can afford that. They might take a year or so to show proof of funding which is a mandatory requirement. 

Canada Study Visa Gap Acceptable

The first thing to concentrate on is to give a clear justification for the study gap. The student can clarify their study gap by a statement of purpose and also by attaching the documents that are required to prove it.

During the visa process, the students with study gaps have to attach some additional documents and some proof justifying the gap. Since the study gap may differ from one college to another, providing them a justifiable reason can make a better impression in the process of admission. 

Archives, Documents and proof Required to Justify Gap Years 

Some additional documents need to be attached during the visa process. These documents should justify what you were engaged in during the study gap. Some of the valid documents could be

  • Payslip – the student has to attach the payslip or the offer letter from the company they work for during the gap.
  • Certificates- The student can also attach the certificates on what skill or course they have done during the gap
  • Medical certificates– Students who have met with accidents or had medical issues can attach the medical certificates approved by licensed doctors or hospitals.
  • Marksheet – Students who took a year to prepare for entrance exams and could not make it, can att ach their result forms or hall tickets as proof for a study visa. 

Other Documents required for study Visa in Canada 

  • Passport
  • Letter of acceptance
  • Valid IELTS score
  • Proof of enough money to pay for your tuition fees
  • Health certificate
  • Statement of Purpose 
  • Embassy Report
  • Gap justification
  • Academic Documents

Pros and cons of taking a gap year 

  • Learning a new skill – You can learn new skills or language during a gap year. Learning a skill or a language will benefit you in several ways including getting a part-time job when you study in Canada. Adding a skill to your CV makes a good impression among employers.
  • Taking a gap year to settle family issues or financial issues. This will help you study peacefully in Canada without worries back home. This makes you easily comprehend difficult situations.
  • Gaining experience by working related to the last qualification will develop professional skills. This opens up better job opportunities after graduation.
  • Some students use their gap years to prepare for competitive exams but they could not surpass them. The experience gained through this helps the student in facing major exams in the future.
  • Loss of continuity – Most of the students by taking a gap year may loss  their continuity in academics. They find it hard to restart their academic form like the old.
  • Taking a gap year without a productive or a non-negligible cause can be a year wasted.
  • Financial risks – There may be a chance of financial risk, because of the varying fee structure in colleges and universities.

Study Gap Acceptable In Canada 2022

What Happens if I have more than 5 Years of Study gap? 

A gap of 5 years is acceptable in Canada for PG courses. If there is a gap of 5 years and you want to pursue an undergraduate degree there are some colleges that accept students with reasonable gap years. Students with work experience in the gap and students who appeared for exams during the gap years are considered in some colleges and universities.

All you have to provide during the visa process is some documents that prove you are working or preparing for exams during the study gap.

Which Colleges in Canada Accept the Study Gap? 

Most of the colleges and universities in Canada accept students with study gaps with regulations. The regulation is that a study gap of 2 years is acceptable for Diploma and Undergraduate courses, and a study gap of 5 years is acceptable for postgraduate courses.

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