Canada Investor Visa For Indian

The Canadian Investor Visa (CI) Program is open to individuals with a net worth of CAD 1,600,000.00 or business experience. In order to qualify for Canada Investor visa, the applicant must be able to support themselves in Canada and intend on settling in the country as a permanent resident. If you want to know about India Investor Visa for Canada then you can visit this link:    

Canada is one of the countries like USA and UK who are most popular in the world. Canada got its popularity because of their high standard at all level, especially in Welfare & education coverage, press freedom and health care. Different types of visa programs have been implemented by Canada Government to attract the investors to invest their money towards the development and progress of this country. India is a 1st world country but still it is lagging behind due to lack of political maturity and industrialization. Seeing India’s higher growth rate among emerging economies, Canada Govt came forward with Canadian Investor Visa Program for Indians  in order to increase the flow of FDI (foreign direct investments) in this subcontinent. This investor visa program will help in overall economic growth and employment opportunities for common man.

Canada Investor Visa For Indian

Canada is one of the most popular countries in the world, it has high standards of living and better education, efficient health care and social security system. With more freedom and opportunities, Canada can be proud to have one of the best economies in North America. The country is not only known as a developed nation, but it also ranks 7th in the world. Continue reading if you are interested in India applying for Canada investor visa.

Canada is on the lookout for newcomers who have the entrepreneurial experience, the talent, and the innovation to start, manage, or buy a business in the country. With new foreign investments, Canada can ensure the continued success of its economy through diversification and development. Let’s take a close look at the several Entrepreneur and Investor Visa options available for those who want to immigrate to Canada.  

Start-up Visa Program

The Start-up Visa Program is a general Business Immigration or “Investor” Visa option that allows you to immigrate to Canada by starting a business anywhere in the country. You and your business will have to meet a set of requirements in order to be successful with your application. In general, your business must be innovative, create jobs for Canadians, and be able to compete internationally. While you wait for your application’s approval, you can also apply for a temporary work permit to keep you busy in Canada.  

Start-up Visa Program Requirements
Business requirementsOnce a designated organization commits to your business:all applicants (up to 5 people can apply as owners) must each hold at least 10% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding shares of the business; andtogether with the designated organization, they must hold more than 50% of the voting rights attached to all outstanding shares of the business.Once you receive permanent residence, you must make sure that:you play an active role in the ongoing management of your business while living in Canada;the essential operations of the business must partly take place in Canada; andyour business is incorporated in Canada.
Letter of supportYou must get a letter of support from a designated organization that proves they are willing to invest in and support your start-up. These organizations include:Venture Capital Firms ($200,000 investment);Angel Investor Groups ($75,000 investment); andBusiness Incubators.
Language requirementsYou must score a minimum of Canadian Language Benchmark level 5 in speaking, reading, listening, and writing in either English or French.
Settlement moneyBecause the Canadian government doesn’t give financial support to this “investor” visa, you will have to be able to prove that you have enough money to settle yourself and your family in Canada. 

Provincial Nominee Program Entrepreneur and Investor Visa Options

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) gives every province and territory of Canada the power to invite applicants to come and live within their borders if they have the right skills and work experience. Most of the PNPs have at least one entrepreneur or investor visa category dedicated to people who want to who would like to expand or start their business in Canada.

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