Can Undocumented Immigrant Apply For Canada Visa In America

Yes, undocumented immigrants can apply for a Canada visa in America. If you are planning on working or studying in Canada, you need to apply for a visitor visa and/or study permit (different types of visas require different documents). Every country has its own set of requirements and application procedures.

An undocumented immigrant is a person who does not have strong documentation to prove their legal residency in a country. The term “undocumented” is used to distinguish between people who are working legally and illegally in the same country. The ability of an undocumented immigrant to apply for Canada visa in America depends on several factors.

Touriangle is the right stop for you to obtain all the relevant information you need on can illegal immigrants apply for permanent residency, can I move to Canada without a job, how to enter Canada illegally from India, immigrate to Canada, and so much more. Be sure to visit our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

Can Illegal Immigrants Get Citizenship

Are you an undocumented immigrant in the United States? Do you have a desire to come to Canada? The answer to both questions is yes, but there are many factors that can make your Canada visa application difficult. If you think you qualify as an immigrant based on certain criteria, it is important to consult with an immigration lawyer before proceeding with any other applications.

Canada immigration law is not the same for all people. It varies from category to category, depending on the basis of their immigration and a lot on their country of origin. Canada immigration policy is fair and flexible as its visa criteria are based not only on the citizenship status but also on other factors such as family ties with Canadian citizens or permanent residents, work experience, education background and other circumstances which may contribute to your success in Canada.

Canada is one of the most favoured migration destinations for international students. However, applying for Canada student visa from USA is complex and confusing process, usually students choose to apply from their home country. Make sure you know all the facts before you submit your visa application.

Reasons for Move

Immigrants may decide to move from the United States to Canada for a number of reasons. Many immigrants may wind up disenchanted with the United States and may suffer discrimination. They may be fearful of being found out by immigration officials and may fear removal. They may find new opportunities with the northern neighbor. Sometimes, an immigrant may struggle for years to feel at home and to try to obtain lawful status. However, sometimes a law-abiding person who has worked hard for years may still be removed from the country due to the unlawful entry into it. For many undocumented immigrants, an order of removal is issued that thwarts their attempts to live a respectable life. This situation can cause major distress for family members who have acclimated in the new country.

Difficulties in the Immigration System

The patchwork of laws, regulations and policies in the United States are complex. Sometimes they contradict each other. There may be different treatment of state and federal laws. Additionally, immigration laws are subject to change at any time. In addition to established laws like the Immigration and Nationality Act, executive orders and policy decisions can provide discretionary treatment toward certain immigrants.


Rather than living through the fear and apprehension of one day being found out, there are alternatives. One common alternative is for the immigrant to move northward to Canada. Canada’s immigration laws differ from the American immigration laws. Their principles are generally based on promoting immigration while the United States is often focused on preventing immigration.

Undocumented Immigrants Work Permit

An Introduction Video about Undocumented Cases by our Canadian immigration lawyer Vanessa Routley

  • We can help undocumented Dreamers and DACA recipients to obtain study permits and permanent residence in Canada.
  • We represent all classes of undocumented immigrants in the USA including those with and without DACA / protected status.

Our law firm helps ambitious and self-sufficient undocumented US students and professionals enter Canada legally. We do not take any refugee or asylum cases.

If you are stranded in the United States without immigration status, Canada is ready to welcome you.

COSTS: Lawyer’s Fees For Undocumented Study Permit Applicant $5000 USD

Immigration Canada

Reasons for Differences in Immigration Systems

The United States generally feels that it has limited resources in order to feed and support the population. While Canada is much larger than the United States geographically speaking, the population of Canada only roughly makes up ten percent of the population of the United States. Canada quite literally has more space for more people. Canada officials realize that in order for the country to remain competitive with other industrialized nations, it is necessary to promote immigration. Immigration can attract great minds and talents of people across the globe. Every year, Canada admits approximately one percent of its existing population. This number is set at about 250,000 people a year. Additionally, Canada is much more immigration-friendly. Governmental programs exist to assist new immigrants to come into the country and beautifully integrate into the Canadian way of life.


Canada has visas that individuals with or without legal immigration status in the United States may be able to use. One example of this is the point system. This is a skilled worker visa system for individuals with certain skills. Additionally, there are visas for individuals who are self-employed and entrepreneurs. There are also family visas. Foreign students who are studying in Canada have a direct path to acquire permanent resident status in Canada. This is much different than the system in the United States that views students as non-immigrants and educates the individual but then expects him or her to leave. After acquiring permanent resident status through some of these visas, Canadian immigrants can then pursue citizenship of the country.
Additionally, many immigrants can have their Canadian visa interview in the United States. This allows them to have an interview in a relatively comfortable setting, rather than having to travel to a third world country.

Canadian Citizenship

There are several pathways to citizenship in Canada. Individuals who have citizenship in the country obtain additional benefits. For example, immigrants can travel to many other countries without first having to acquire a visa. Citizenship from Canada allows a person to freely enter the United States. This is because individuals who are citizens of Canada are not required to obtain a visa to travel to the United States. The North American Free Trade Agreement allows individuals who are citizens of Canada to live, work and do business in the United States.

Legal Assistance

Individuals who are currently living in the United States with undocumented status may want to consider moving to Canada as a possible solution to resolve their immigration problems in the United States. Canada’s more progressive and promoted immigration status may open doors that are closed in the United States.
Provided by

A Letter from Immigration Lawyer Vanessa Routley Yes, You can migrate to Canada

Dear Future Client,

I am an immigration lawyer in Canada who helps undocumented people in the United States immigrate to Canada to start new lives with legal status. You’ve probably found our website because you are undocumented in the USA and want to move to Canada and become legalized. We often get the attention of the media because we were able to get study permits, work permits, and Canadian Permanent Residency for people who are without status in America.

Every day I talk to people who are stranded in the United States without immigration status. Many of our clients come to us in despair, having struggled to get a green card in the United States for years and even decades. We understand the stress and pain families go through when seeing loved ones face deportation and family separation.

Since 2017, we have been helping undocumented US residents achieve a better life in Canada. We have represented small business owners, students, construction workers, nurses, and other professionals for their successful immigration process.

Regardless of how long you have been without status in the USA, we can help you immigrate to Canada. Take the first step today by clicking the Book Now button at the top of the page to reserve your private telephone consultation toady. I talk to all clients personally and offer a professional and honest opinion about your case.

How Hard Is It For An American To Move To Canada

Can illegal immigrants in the USA get Canada visas or citizenship?

Yes, even if you are illegal in the United States, you can still get a visa, study permit, work permit or Canadian residency for Canada. Our law firm has helped people just like you to get your visa application approved. Even if you have had long-term undocumented status in the United States, we can still get your visa, residency, and citizenship application approved.

If I am illegal in the USA can I go to Canada? / If I have no visa in USA can I go to Canada?

Yes, people who are illegal in the USA can legally apply for a visa to Canada. The important thing is to be honest about your undocumented status and prior immigration violations. Only an experienced lawyer who has dealt with undocumented applicants can advise you on your best Canada Immigration Strategy.

If I apply for a visa to Canada, do I need to go back to Mexico? If I apply for a visa to Canada do I need to go back home?

Most of our clients do not need to return to their home country before they come to Canada. Generally, our clients are able to go directly from the United States to Canada. This applies to most workers, students, and professionals. In some circumstances, we may suggest a client return to their country of nationality if we are confident their visa application will be approved. We understand that people with status have their lives and families in the United States, and we know how serious the decision is to leave America before your Canadian status is approved. We try to avoid that scenario and usually we are able to bring people directly into Canada from the USA.

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