Can I Work On Dependant Visa In Uk

You are one of the people who always wanted to get admitted in UK. Nowadays, people all over the globe try their luck in this country since it has a huge number of employment opportunities and government jobs. However, there is an array of things you need to take care of before you settle down on UK. You must first check if you meet the REQUIREMENTS for being granted a visa. 

Can I Work On Dependant Visa In Uk

We are glad to present that we are currently offering various type of UK spouse visa which is really suitable for your case. We are serving our customers from past quite a few years and have enough knowledge about UK spouse visa issues which makes us eligible to offer suitable escort services to our clients. One of prime obligation of our escorts is to provide dependant visa services in UK to our clients so they can easily get their visas.

If you are a foreign national looking to come to the UK for employment, you will need a visa that allows you to work in the country. Though there are multiple categories of visas available for expats, finding one that fits you perfectly is a daunting task. The fact that the term “dependent” is used for defining the status of those individuals who are accompanying a migrant worker in the UK for employment purposes makes it even more difficult for the applicants.


To qualify as a dependent, you must be the sponsor’s spouse, unmarried, or civil partner. Children under 18 can also apply for the visa to the UK as dependents of the sponsor.

As a spouse or partner of the sponsor, you must be able to prove any one of the following:

  • You are in a civil union or marriage approved in the United Kingdom
  • You have lived together in a relationship for a minimum of 2 years when you submit your application
  • You are a fiancé, a fiancée or intend to enter a civil partnership or marry or enter in a civil partnership in the United Kingdom within 6 months of your arrival
  •  You will also have to prove that you have good knowledge of the English language

As a Dependent Visa holder, you will have no recourse to public funds. Before your application can be approved you will need to show that your sponsor has the necessary financial means to support you and is willing to sponsor your stay.

If your Dependent Visa application is successful you will be granted permission to enter the UK and unrestricted freedom to live in the UK. There are no work restrictions, which means you can work at any job, and at any level of skill.

As a holder of tier 2 dependent visas, you can remain in the UK for the same period as the main tier 2 visa holder.

Work, with limited exceptions.

Study or take a postgraduate course, under certain conditions.

Apply to extend your visa in compliance with the principal applicant, provided that you continue to meet the eligibility conditions. When the key visa holder has left the UK, you will not be eligible to apply for an extension.

You cannot access public funds, or work as a doctor in training, or as a dentist, or as a sports instructor for professionals


If you follow the immigration requirements for this visa you will be given permission to stay indefinitely in the United Kingdom. Dependency Visa holders can apply for British Naturalization as a citizen of the UK after continuously spending 5 years in the UK.


 A dependent can choose to apply for the visa either within or outside the UK.

The documentation required for the Dependent Visa depends on the route you are applying through. Typically the documents required include:

  • Passport & travel history
  • Background documentation
  • Spouse/partner documentation including marriage certificate
  • Other proof of relationship
  • Income proof of sponsor to show adequate finances
  • Completed application & consulate fees
  • English language skills (not essential for elderly parents you are caring for, based on documents you provide)
  • If calling your child, they must be under the age of 18 at the time of application

Applying from within the UK

Dependents can apply to stay with their family members if they have come to the UK on a family visa. If they have come on another visa, they can switch to a family visa to stay with their spouse, child or parent. 

The biometric residence permit or BRP will be sent by courier. You don’t have to collect it.  

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