Can I Buy Residence Visa In Dubai

If you have plans to buy residence visa in Dubai, then, you have taken the first step towards your goal. Buying residence visa may require time and some efforts; so, it is very important for you to do proper outlay as well as to choose the best company/agent for your visa. There are many companies in Dubai and Abu Dhabi who provide services for buying residence visa in UAE. But, you should be aware of the fact that there are also some companies who provide fake and untrue application forms, documents and processes.

If you are looking for Dubai visa essentials for foreigners, then you have just reached the right place. Dubai is one such place that offers all the luxuries and comforts along with the scenic beauty. People from all over the world visit and flock to this place in order to have a taste of hospitality and natural beauty combined. If you are on a business trip or looking out for vacations, then Dubai visa essential is a must and a necessary step to take before entering into this beautiful and vibrant country.

Can I Buy Residence Visa In Dubai

When you want to buy a property in Dubai or any real estate in Dubai, the legal aspect is always something that needs to be taken into account. It is vital that you know what documents and other items are required in addition to your purchase agreement before you venture out to buy property in Dubai.

Who can apply for a residence permit for the UAE in 2022?

There are several conditions under which a foreigner can apply for a residence permit in the UAE. These conditions also depend on the applicant’s nationality. The following requirement must be met when applying for a Dubai residence permit:

  • citizens of other nationalities than Gulf Cooperation Council countries are required to apply for a residence permit when moving to Dubai;
  • in case of a residence visa obtain through employment, it will be the employer to apply for the visa on behalf of the foreign citizen;
  • the residence visa is necessary for various actions, such as setting up a bank account in Dubai, or buying various goods, including automobiles;
  • the validity of the passport when applying for the Dubai residence visa must of at least 6 months.

Our Dubai company formation consultants can offer detailed information on all the benefits a foreign citizen can obtain once he or she has obtained a residence permit for the UAE.

New requirements for obtaining a residence visa for Dubai

In 2018, the UAE government has changed a few of the requirements related to obtaining Dubai residency. Under the new conditions, foreign citizens applying for a residence permit in Dubai based on a work contract must also submit a certificate of good conduct which must be obtained from their countries of residence. In the case of those who change jobs, this certificate is not required.

A new requirement for foreign citizens applying for residence permits in Dubai is having a valid email address, they will be sent an email by the local authorities in which they will be notified about their visas.

Relocating to a free zone in Dubai

It should be noted that not all residency regulations apply in the case of foreign citizens moving to a Dubai free zone. The free zone authorities are in charge of the issuance of residence permits in Dubai which are easier and faster to obtain here.

In the case of residence permits obtained through employment, the free zone authorities will issue the visas as soon as the employed submit all the documents required to start working, while in the case of company incorporation of a company in a Dubai free zone, the residence permit is part of the registration procedure. In case you need assistance for opening a company in another jurisdiction, for example in Singapore, we recommend our partners –

Obtaining residency through employment in Dubai

The most common reasons foreign citizens apply for residency are when starting to work for a company in Dubai or when joining other family members who work and live in the city. Apart from the employer’s sponsorship, a foreign citizen may also obtain residency, if a UAE national will sponsor him or her when moving to Dubai.

In the first instance, a foreign citizen will be issued an entry permit that will allow him or her to move to Dubai before the residency permit is authorized. If the employer applies for the foreign citizen’s entry visa, the Dubai company must also apply for permission to hire a foreigner and must submit its business license. The entry permit has a limited validity of only 2 months, which is why residency must be obtained within this timeframe.

Expatriates sponsoring family members for obtaining a Dubai residence visa must have a monthly income of at least 3,000 AED, if the accommodation is provided by the employer, or at least 4,000 AED per month, if the sponsor has his or her own property.

The video below shows the main ways to obtain residency in Dubai:

Another way of obtaining a residence visa for Dubai is by purchasing real estate. Even if this option is available for individuals with a high income, it is very common for foreign enterprisers to acquire Dubai residency by investing in real estate.

The conditions for obtaining a residence visa this way is for the property to be completed upon the purchase and its value must be at least 1 million AED (approximately 275,000 USD). A residence visa obtained by purchasing a property in Dubai has a two-year validity period and does not grant the right to work in the Emirate. However, its main advantage is that the owners are not required to register a company in Dubai.

Obtaining residency through company registration in Dubai

Perhaps the most popular way of obtaining Dubai residency is by registering a company in the Emirate or in one of its free zones. If opening an onshore company implies sponsorship from the local partner, the registration of a company in a Dubai free zone provides for full ownership of the company. This type of residency visa allows a foreign citizen to be a shareholder in a local company and also to hire employees in Dubai.

The validity of a residence visa obtained by company incorporation in Dubai is three years and can be renewed. Our Dubai company formation representatives can assist with the documents related to opening companies in the Emirate or any of its free zones. We can also help you obtain residency in UAE.

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