Can Dependent Visa For Uae Citizens

For the U.A.E citizens, “Dependent Visa” makes it easy to bring their family members to visit or reside in the U.A.E for a specified period of time. The Dependent Visa aims to ensure that everyone who is part of your life and is emotionally attached gets a chance of meeting you and spending some quality time with you; irrespective of immigration status or nationality.

Can Dependent Visa For Uae Citizens

The United Arab Emirates has many opportunities for both Emirati and expatriate workers in the area. It is home for some of the world’s largest multinationals, as a result, job opportunities are plentiful. Many expats take advantage of this and bring their family members to accompany them in the UAE. If you are employed in the UAE, then you may be eligible to apply for a dependent visa for your family members.

In UAE, apart from granting the visa to fiancées and children, their husbands can also be granted dependent visas. This means they are allowed to work here along with the family. However, before you carry out all the procedures, make sure you know exactly how the relationship works in order to get permission for the dependent visa without any issues. With more than 80% of expats living in this country being male, it is quite common for them to have wives, fiancés or even children waiting for them overseas. According to an official data from 2012, UAE has over 15 marriages taking place everyday and 13 percent of these involve at least one partner who lives outside of their wedding vows.

UAE has been a migrant-friendly nation with over 80% of its population being expatriates. The UAE Residence Visa (Dependent Visa) allows spouses and kids of such expatriates in Dubai or any one of the Emirates to join their family member who is living and working in Dubai.

What is a Dubai Dependent Visa?

The Dubai Dependent Visa allows you to travel and stay with your family member who is living and working in Dubai. Read on to know more.

What are the Different Types of Dubai Dependent Visas?

The type of UAE Residence Visa depends on the nature of the relationship between the dependent and the sponsor in Dubai. The UAE Residence Visa is granted to family members of expatriates in Dubai.

The following are the types of UAE Residence Visas based on the relationship between the sponsor and the dependent.

The following are the types of Residence Visas in the UAE:

  • Husband sponsoring wife and children
  • Sponsoring parents
  • Wife sponsoring family

Who is Eligible for a UAE Dubai Dependent Visa?

The dependent family members of any individual who is living and working in Dubai can apply for a UAE Residence Visa.

They can be:

  • Spouse (husband or wife)
  • Unmarried daughters
  • Sons below 18 years of age
  • Parents

Any expatriate with a Residence Permit and work permit in UAE can also sponsor domestic help such as maid, driver, nanny, etc.

The family members who wish to apply for the UAE Residence Visa must follow with specific conditions laid down by the UAE Immigration Department.

Conditions Attached to a Dubai Dependent Visa

Conditions for a dependent son

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