Business Visa For Saudi Arabia From Uk

Business Visa For Saudi Arabia From Uk allows you to work in Saudi Arabia. With the assistance of Business Visa For Saudi Arabia From Uk, you can get an opportunity to live and work as a foreigner in Saudi Arabia, if you have the required skills, proof of financial means and have been invited.

Business visas are normally given to those intending to create or negotiate contracts and or to set up new businesses. Many of the individuals on business visa travel extensively in Saudi Arabia and do not necessarily intend to leave after their contract period (but may in some cases). Recently a Saudi Arabian company was prevented from employing UK nationals working under labour transfer agreements due to a change in policy.

Business Visa For Saudi Arabia From Uk

If you hold a qualification of a minimum of 2 years’ duration, relevant work experience and are not traveling to Saudi Arabia for tourism purposes and do not intend to engage in any employment that is related to your field of study, educational training or professional experience then a business visa may be the right choice for you.

Saudi Arabian Business Visa

Please note that the main types of job roles for the Saudi business visa are described below. Please see our business visa guides webpage which defines that type of business invitations that are issued in Saudi Arabian which will allow for the application to be made.

Main Purposes of trip for Saudi Business Visa

General meetings, discussions, conference, discussing projects, meeting a client, opening a new branch – office jobs not related to any manual work

Main Job Titles for Saudi Business Visa

Director (sales, product, technical, general), CEO, Consultant, Advisor, Manager (product, project, sales, office), HR, Administration Officer, Representative, Partner, Company Owner

Saudi Arabia Business Visa Application Process Guide

Step NumberDescription
Step 1Obtain invitation letter from Saudi Arabia sponsor. This can be emailed to you
Step 2Have your invitation translated by one of our visa consultants
Step 3Complete Employer Support Letter (see below). The ESL can only be completed on the back off information given on the invitation.
Step 4Complete all other requirements including application form, medical form, order form and photos
Step 5Send all information to our London office. We will process this in 2 to 3 working days.

Invitation Letter for Saudi Business Visa

All business visas for Saudi Arabia require an invitation from the chamber of commerce or ministry of foreign affairs. The information of the invitation can be seen at our invitation page, you can send a link for this page to your sponsor or inviter in Saudi Arabia. This is the first step of your visa process and needs to be obtained before you can commence. This will commonly be written in Arabic, therefore if you need a translation for this, please contact one of our team members. Please also see our invitation page which states how to decode the invite and apply it to the ESL as below.

Employer Support Letter for Saudi Business Visa

For more information on completion of the ESL which is included in our application pack, please see our dedicated page, however note that all applicants are required to provide this with their visa application.

The ESL will be attested at the ABCC ( Arab British Chamber of Commerce ). If the applicant’s employer is registered in the UK, then the company registration is checked against the companies house database.

For self employed applicants please contact us. For applicants with foreign based employers or are freelancers, please see our ESL guide page for further information, however in short the employer support letter for foreign employers will need to be legalised by the Saudi embassy and then sent to us. The ESL can only be completed once you have the invitation as the invitation number needs to be stated on it, along with the information of the traveller, and be within one month old, with the future travel date stated on it.

Saudi Arabia Business Visa processing Time

Once you have the invitation, we can then proceed to start your saudi business visa application compiling all the requirements (see below). The normal processing time is 2 to 3 working days, depending on the day we receive the application inside our offices. If we receive the application before 1pm then this will allow us to attest the employer support letter that day and to submit the application into the embassy the following day. After 1pm we would not be able to attest the letter.

The above timeframes assume that all applications have been accurately completed and there are no issues with any of the paperwork. This is why we would advise all applicants undertaking a precheck with one of our saudi visa consultants beforehand, and before completion of the order form.

Saudi Arabia Business visa application form

The business visa application form for Saudi can be downloaded from our website Saudi visa form page and also via the downloadable email application pack as well. This contains an overview of the process, a template of the employer support letter, precheck guides and questions. The visa application form will ask you for your residential information, the details for the people you are looking to visit in Saudi Arabia, information about your travel information (flights and travel dates), along with details of the applicant such as their religion and marital status. Please see our how to complete the Saudi visa application form page for more information on this.

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