Business Visa For New Zealand

Business visas for New Zealand can be applied online and are quickly processed. Business travellers looking to visit multiple countries before reaching their final destination will find our technology to be truly beneficial. A business visa allows you to stay in New Zealand for up to 12 months without applying for an extension.

If you’re thinking about travelling to New Zealand for business, or planning on an existing trip, our Business Visa is the perfect choice for you. You’ll get up to five years in New Zealand with an unrestricted work visa and no requirements for health checks or visa fees.

Touriangle is the right stop for you to obtain all the relevant information you need on New Zealand business visa requirements for Pakistan, New Zealand entrepreneur visa points calculator, New Zealand investor 1 visa, and so much more. Take out time to visit our catalog for more information on related topics. You don’t want to miss this!

Business Visitor Visa

New Zealand is one of the most popular destinations for Indians looking to set up their business. If you are also aiming to do so, a tax-free visa could make all the difference. New Zealander visas provide residency and work rights. One can get Permanent Residence after 3 years of living in New Zealand without any further conditions attached.

Whether you have a business trip or looking to relocate, this Business Visa will make your stay in New Zealand much easier. With this visa, you’ll be able to set up your company there and start working on your new venture.

Business Visa for New Zealand is the best option for people who have sufficient business experience of six months and whose application does not harm the country. Business Visa for New Zealand is granted to people who have specific or special skills which are beneficial to the country.

In order to avail a New Zealand business visa, you will have to convince the NZ immigration office that you should be issued a visa. This is to ensure that only those who are genuinely entering the country for business purposes are issued visas. Therefore, it is necessary that you furnish your application with all relevant documents, including evidence of funds you intend to bring into the country to support yourself during your stay. Before going further and submitting any documents, it is advisable that you contact an Auckland immigration consultant or lawyer for advice on what specific material is needed. You can also review Business Visa for New Zealand for more information about this visa type and its requirements.

With this visa you can

  • Visit New Zealand for business reasons.
  • Study for up to 3 months.

Things to note

  • It is faster and easier to apply online.
  • You can include your partner and dependent children in your online application.
  • Check if you are eligible to apply online for a Visitor Visa.
  • If you are from a visa waiver country you do not need a Business Visitor Visa but, you must hold an NZeTA (New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority) before travelling to New Zealand.

New Zealand Investor Visa

Investor Migration specialist Dr. Carsten Hallwass says:

“If you want to run a business in New Zealand or invest your funds, there are a number of options that might be attractive for you, but the visa application process under the Business and Investor policies is highly intricate.” 

‍Key benefits for Investor Visa applicants:

Direct path to Permanent Residence in New Zealand;

Streamlined and prioritised procedure:

  • Priority processing
  • Applications to be determined only by immigration officers known as business immigration specialist

Partner and dependent children are included in the application;
English language requirements less strict;
You choose how and where you invest your funds in New Zealand.

Key investment requirements for Investor Visas at a glance: 

Investor 1 Category: NZ $ 10 million investment
Investor 2 Category: NZ $ 3.0 million investment (Discount of NZ $ 0.5 millions if at least partly invested in “growth investments”)

Which Investor or Business Visa is right for you?

Business and Investor Visas are divided into two main groups: Residence Visas and Temporary Visas.

Residence Visas:

Business Categories

  • Entrepreneur Residence Category
  • Employees of Relocating Businesses Category

Investment Categories

  • Investor 1 Category
  • Investor 2 Category

Global Impact permanent resident visa

Temporary Visas:

  • Entrepreneur work visa*
  • Global Impact work visa*

* If you are granted a work visa under these two categories, you will have the opportunity to apply for residence, providing you meet the specific requirements.

The Key Requirements – A Quick Self Check:

Compare the different visa types for investors and entrepreneurs and see whether you might qualify. 
In short, the more capital you can invest, the less further requirements you will have to meet.‍

Residence Visa applicants will have to meet further generic requirements:

  • English language requirements
  • Fit and proper person requirements
  • Health and character requirements

Distinctive benefits for Investor and Entrepreneur Visa applicants in comparison to other visa types:


You can enjoy the New Zealand lifestyle without having to find employment.


There are safe and easy to understand investment options in New Zealand.


You have a choice of how and where you invest your funds in New Zealand.


New Zealand’s political stability ensures that your investment is secure.


Your partner and dependent children are included in your visa application.


Streamlined and prioritised visa application process.


Minimum level of language competency for a resident visa is lower in Investor policies than in Skilled Migrant Category.

Choice of Locations

If you want to divide your time of the year between two locations in the world, you might be able to do so as investor.


If you have reached the age limit of 56 years under the Skilled Migrant Category, you might still be able to migrate as business owner or investor.

New Zealand Investor Visa 2022

Short Term Business Visitors

Those visiting New Zealand as a sales representative, overseas buyer, or a business visitor attending business meetings or negotiations can apply for a standard Visitor visa, which usually allows the holder to stay in New Zealand for up to 3 months, but does not allow them to take up employment.

Long Term Business Visas

New Zealand is keen to attract experienced investors and entrepreneurs to the country, and have several visa streams for this purpose. These visa categories each have a minimum investment requirement, ranging from NZ $100,000 for the Entrepreneur Work visa, to NZ $10 million for the Investor Plus visa category.

  • The Entrepreneur Work visa allows skilled business people with at least NZ $100,000 of investment funds to set up a business in New Zealand. After either 6 months or 2 years Entrepreneur Work visa holders can apply for permanent residence. 
  • The Investor Plus visa (Investor 1 category) allows business people who can invest a minimum of NZ $10 million over a 3 year period to gain permanent residence. 
  • The Investor visa (Investor 2 Category) allows experienced business people who can invest a minimum of NZ $1.5 million in New Zealand over a 4 year period to gain permanent residence.

Further Information, help, and advice has over twenty years of experience helping people immigrate to countries all over the World. Whether you wish to visit, work, or study in New Zealand our specialist team of immigration experts can help you with one to one advice, information, and representation when applying for your New Zealand visa or work permit.

For more information and advice on New Zealand immigration law and visa applications please contact us on 0344 991 9222 or at sends e-mail).

New Zealand Investor Visa

New Zealand Business Visa
Visas for experienced business persons, intending to buy or establish their own business and a visa for investors:
Long Term Business Category: This is a visa for experienced business persons interested in being self-employed in their own business in New Zealand. Granted for initially 9 months, it allows you to buy or establish your own business. Subsequently an extension of up to 3 years may be possible before applying for a permanent visa.
 Entrepreneur & Entrepreneur Plus Category: This is a permanent visa for persons who have successfully established their own business.
Investor & Investor Plus Category: Those are permanent visas requiring an investment of NZ$1.5 million (for 4 years) or NZ$ 10 million (for 3 years) respectively.
Temporary Retirement Category: This is a visa valid for up to two years for persons older than 65 years. An investment of NZ$ 750,000 is required.

What Is A Business Visa In Australia

New Zealand is a great place to be in business. The 2019 World Bank survey ranked NZ as the number one country for ease of doing business.

The Entrepreneur Work Visa is for applicants who are interested in establishing a business in New Zealand or purchasing a business.

An Entrepreneur Work Visa is a three year work visa and there are two stages.

1)      Start-up stage:

Once approved, you will initially be given a 12-month work visa, enabling you to buy or establish your business in New Zealand.

2)      Balance stage:

This is for the remaining 24 months of your visa. You can be granted the balance of your Entrepreneur Work Visa once you have shown Immigration New Zealand that you have taken reasonable steps to establish and operate the planned business and for money required to establish the business has been transferred to NZ.

Entrepreneur Work Visa Requirements

In order to be approved for an Entrepreneur Work Visa, you must:

  • make a minimum capital investment of NZ$100,000, unless this requirement is waived
  • meet or exceed 120 points for capacity building factors such as age, investment into New Zealand, previous business experience, or where your business will be based amongst others;
  • have a business plan specific to your proposed business
  • not been involved in bankruptcy or business failure within the 5 years preceding the date your application is made
  • not have been involved in business fraud or financial impropriety, and
  • meet our health and character requirements for residence and English language requirements

It is important that all applicants obtain professional advice and are assisted with meticulous planning and careful consideration before applying for one of the above Entrepreneur Work Visa visas.

Please call 01483 550920 if you would like to receive advice and guidance, we have experience in dealing with these types of applications and will be able to provide you with the assistance that is needed.

Entrepreneur Residence Category

Holders of the a Entrepreneur Work Visawho have successfully established a business may apply for a residence visa under the Entrepreneur Residence category after spending a minimum of 6 months or 2 years in New Zealand.

The Entrepreneur Work Visa and Entrepreneur Residence category can be successfully used together as a means to obtain residency for those applicants who have sufficient capital, possess business experience, high level management or business ownership experience and want to minimise their business investment. Immigration New Zealand will also have a strong emphasis on businesses which can show high growth, innovation and export potential.

It is important that all applicants obtain professional advice and are assisted with meticulous planning and careful consideration before applying for one of the above Entrepreneur Residence Visa.

The Migration Associates team has experience in dealing with these types of applications and will be able to provide you with the assistance that is needed. Usually these applications would be applied for onshore in New Zealand.

If you would like to receive advice and guidance for this type of application, please contact our Managing Director, Borey Chum by emailing or phoning +64 027 7514276.

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