Business Visa For Germany
A business visa for Germany is a document that allows a foreign national to travel to the European country in order to establish a new business, expand an existing one or take part in a business event. To obtain this type of visa, you must meet specific criteria and provide the appropriate documentation. There are certain categories of applicants that do not require the filing of their proof of funds. These include foreigners who hold two passports from non-EU states with valid long-term residency permits issued by EU member states, investors who are investing a minimum amount of €1 million into the German economy and qualified employees who have accepted job offers from companies based in Germany

The German economy has long been a powerhouse in Europe, and it is the Federal Republic’s most important export market. Moreover, the country’s growth potential is highly promising. Let us briefly explain why Germany remains an attractive business partner for companies from all over the world, and what you can do to make your entry into the German market easier — you know, if you’re thinking about setting up shop there.
Germany Business Visa Requirements and Application Process
People travel to Germany for a variety of purposes. Germany is a wise choice to spend a few days, weeks, or even months as a tourist, however, it is also a business destination for many companies and individuals.
There are different types of visas to Germany, it is essential to apply for the appropriate one and make sure to meet all the visa requirements in order to be granted one.
Since Germany is a magnet for world-known companies and businesses, numerous German business visas are granted every year to applicants wishing to attend business meetings, related conferences, or simply do business abroad. However, not everyone needs a visa to enter Germany for business purposes.
Below, you will find everything you need to know about the business visa to Germany, who needs to obtain one, its requirements as well as the application process.