Brazil Visa For Canadian

The vast majority of the Brazilian visas are issued for either tourism or business trips. While most people know about the tourist visa, many travelers do not know about the special long stay (for 1 year) and permanent residence residency visa available for those interested in starting a new life in Brazil.

In the year of 2017, Canada had a huge rise in the number of Canadians travelling to Brazil. The reason behind this is because Brazil has made it mandatory for all the Canadian travellers to possess a visa before traveling to Brazil. The reason behind this is because recently Canada had imposed strict rules on immigrants who want entry into their country and if they don’t meet those rules then they are banned from entering the country.

Good news if tourist visa is the correct choice for the purpose of your trip to Brazil.

Start with “What visa type do I need?” question right above the tabs on the left and review corresponding requirements. If you have any doubts, please contact our customer service.

Roger that, what’s next?First, check the current validity of your passport.

We strongly recommend traveling with 6 months validity on your passport at all times. Citizens of Canada can refer to for forms and instructions for Canadian passport renewals.

Second, make sure your passport has blank Visa pages.

Most destinations, including Brazil, require that you have adequate unused pages in your passport, allowing for any necessary stamps upon arrival and departure. We recommend that you have at least two free pages in Visas section of your passport before any international travel. Canadian citizens cannot add extra passport pages to their passports. Please refer to for forms and instructions for Canadian passport renewals.

Confirm if transit visa is required for any connections.

Check with your airline in case you have connecting flights overseas as part of your journey to Brazil. It may be the case that countries you pass through en route to your destination may require a separate transit visa. Please refer to visa requirements of the specific country.

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