Bouncing souls how i spent my summer vacation

As most of you know, August was my final month serving as a full-time pastor. August through November is also a busy, low “tithing” season for churches and ministries. So, I applied to several positions with companies which I thought could use an energetic person like myself to help them grow and increase their online presence. This article will discuss how I spent the summer months in terms of personal time, handling the workload and time constraints of a seasonal position; interactions with the company staff and clients; the responsibilities of the seasonal position; as well as time management throughout the day.

How To Work A Summer Job Working as a camper or counselor for the summer can be a lot of fun, but it is really hard work. You will be up at the crack of dawn to get ready for the day and your day will consist of playing with kids all day and helping them have fun. If you are going to work at a summer job I would recommend that you take on a role as a counselor in order to make more money. This is because counselors usually get more responsibility then campers and can organize games which can earn them lots of tips. However if you are not working at one of the big summer camps then being a camp counselor might not bring in enough cash to pay your bills while you are at school, which is why I would recommend getting a job at a truck stop or fast food restaurant on top of working at a cam…

I spent my summer vacation bouncing souls.

I went to a hot place, and I saw many people who were dead. They were trying to walk on the ground, but they couldn’t because they were bouncing up and down.

“Why are you bouncing?” I asked one of them. “I’m trying to walk on the ground,” he said, “but I can’t because of my soul.”

I asked another one: “Why are you bouncing?” He said: “I’m trying to play basketball, but my soul won’t let me.”

Then I asked a third one: “Why are you bouncing?” He said: “I’m trying to drink some water and eat some food, but my soul won’t let me.”

Finally, I asked a fourth one: “Why are you bouncing?” He said: “I’m trying to sleep in this hotel room, but my soul won’t let me.”

It’s been a long, hot summer.

I spent my vacation at the beach, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. The water was pretty cold, and there were lots of people around. I tried to get some sun, but there were just too many clouds in the sky. It seemed like everyone had the same idea—go to the beach on vacation!

It wasn’t all bad though; there were some things that made it worth it: my family and friends were there with me, and we had a great time hanging out together at night after dinner!

 2 Covers


How I Spent My Summer Vacation

The Bouncing Souls

Released May 22, 2001




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