Best vacation places in kenya

There are some of the Kenya’s best holiday destinations which have created a new wave in Kenya tourism. They are only small clusters of community with unique style of living that is quite different from their neighbors.

Kenya is a country that hosts numerous beautiful tourist attractions due to its ideal range of topographic attributes. The country offers diverse species of wildlife and nature. Cycling, hiking, horseback riding and camping are only some of the activities you can engage in the wilds of Kenya…

Kenya has a lot to offer. You will find some of the best resorts, lodges, hotels and luxury beach cottages here. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Do you love national parks? Well, Kenya has nine national parks to explore and two game reserves!

There are many reasons to visit Kenya, but if you’re looking for the best vacation places in Kenya, look no further than the country’s game parks.

Kenya has three main game parks: Masai Mara, Amboseli and Nakuru. You can choose a safari that takes place at one or more of these parks depending on your preferences and budget. If you’re looking for the best vacation places in Kenya, each of these locations has its own unique features and benefits.

The Masai Mara is located in southwest Kenya and covers 2 million acres of land. It is known for its diverse wildlife and pristine nature. The park is home to over 450 species of birds as well as over 100 species of mammals including lions, leopards, cheetahs and elephants. You can take an extended stay here if you want to see all of the wildlife up close without having to worry about rushing through your trip due to limited time constraints like most other visitors do when visiting this area during peak season (December-February).

Amboseli National Park is located near Mt Kilimanjaro at 14 degrees south latitude which gives it a warm climate year-round with average daytime temperatures between 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit (24-27 degrees Celsius). This makes

Kenya is a country with a lot of natural beauty, as well as a rich culture and history. The country has many beautiful destinations that are perfect for a vacation. Here are the top 5 places to visit in Kenya.

1) Mombasa: This is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kenya because it has a variety of activities that can be enjoyed by both tourists and residents. The city offers beaches, shopping malls, museums and other cultural attractions. There are also many hotels in Mombasa where you can stay if you want to spend some time relaxing on the beach or exploring the city.

2) Tsavo West National Park: This national park is located about 70 kilometers north of Nairobi and covers an area of about 1240 square kilometers (500 sq mi). The park has two main areas: Tsavo West National Park and Tsavo East National Park which are separated by Galana River. This park has many different types of plants and animals including elephants, lions, cheetahs and leopards among others. You can go on safari tours throughout Tsavo West National Park if you’d like to see these animals up close!

1. Maasai Mara National Reserve

Maasai Mara National Reserve
Maasai Mara National Reserve

Maasai Mara National Reserve (also “Masai Mara”) is one of Africa’s most magnificent game reserves. Bordering Tanzania, the Mara is the northern extension of the Serengeti and forms a wildlife corridor between the two countries.

It’s named after the statuesque, red-cloaked Maasai people who live in the park and graze their animals here, as they have done for centuries. In their language, Mara means “mottled,” perhaps a reference to the play of light and shadow from the acacia trees and cloud-studded skies on the vast grasslands.

The park is famous for the Great Migration, when thousands of wildebeest, zebra, and Thomson’s gazelle travel to and from the Serengeti, from July through October.

In the Mara River, throngs of hippos and crocodiles lurk. The park is also known for providing excellent predator sightings, thanks to its relatively large populations of lion, cheetah, and leopard – especially in the dry months from December through February.

Thanks to the park’s altitude, the weather here is mild and gentle year-round.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Maasai Mara National Reserve

2. Amboseli National Reserve

Amboseli National Reserve
Amboseli National Reserve

Crowned by Mount Kilimanjaro, Africa’s highest peak, Amboseli National Reserve is one of Kenya’s most popular tourist parks. The name “Amboseli” comes from a Maasai word meaning “salty dust,” an apt description for the park’s parched conditions.

The reserve is one of the best places in Africa to view large herds of elephants up close. Other wildlife commonly spotted in the park includes big cats, such as lion and cheetah, as well as giraffe, impala, eland, waterbuck, gazelle, and more than 600 species of birds.

Nature lovers can explore five different habitats here, ranging from the dried-up bed of Lake Amboseli, wetlands with sulfur springs, savannah, and woodlands. Look for the local Maasai people who live in the area around the park.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Amboseli National Reserve

3. Tsavo National Park

Tsavo National Park
Tsavo National Park

Kenya’s largest park, Tsavo, is sliced in two: Tsavo West and Tsavo East. Together these parks comprise four percent of the country’s total area and encompass rivers, waterfalls, savannah, volcanic hills, a massive lava-rock plateau, and an impressive diversity of wildlife.

Midway between Nairobi and Mombasa, Tsavo East is famous for photo-worthy sightings of large elephant herds rolling and bathing in red dust. The palm-fringed Galana River twists through the park, providing excellent game viewing and a lush counterpoint to the arid plains.

Other highlights here include the Yatta Plateau, the world’s longest lava flow; Mudanda Rock; and the Lugard Falls, which spill into rapids and crocodile-filled pools.

Tsavo West is wetter and topographically more varied, with some of the most beautiful scenery in the northern reaches of the park. Highlights here are Mzima Springs, a series of natural springs with large populations of hippos and crocodiles; Chaimu Crater, a great spot for seeing birds of prey; and Ngulia Rhino Sanctuary.

Wildlife is not as easy to see in Tsavo West because of the denser vegetation, but the beautiful scenery more than compensates.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Tsavo National Park

4. Samburu, Buffalo Springs, and Shaba National Reserves

Samburu, Buffalo Springs, and Shaba National Reserves
Samburu, Buffalo Springs, and Shaba National Reserves

On the banks of the palm-lined Ewaso Nyiro River, Samburu, Buffalo Springs, and Shaba Reserves lie in an arid region in the remote north of Kenya.

Shaba National Reserve is one of two areas where George and Joy Adamson raised Elsa the lioness, made famous in the film Born Free.

The wildlife in all three reserves depends on the waters of the river to survive, and many species are specially adapted to the parched conditions. These include Grevy’s zebras; Somali ostriches; and gerenuks, the long-necked antelope that stand on two rear legs to reach the fresh shoots on upper tree limbs.

A top attraction in Samburu National Reserve are the Sarara Singing Wells, local watering holes where Samburu warriors sing traditional songs while hauling water for their cattle to drink. You might also be rewarded with sightings of big cats and wild dogs.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Samburu

5. Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park
Lake Nakuru National Park

Lake Nakuru National Park, in Central Kenya, is famous for its huge flocks of pink flamingos. The birds throng on Lake Nakuru itself, one of the Rift Valley soda lakes that covers almost a third of the park’s area.

The park was established in 1961, and more than 450 species of birds have been recorded here, as well as a rich diversity of other wildlife. Lions, leopards, warthogs, waterbucks, pythons, and white rhinos are just some of the animals you might see, and the landscapes range from sweeping grasslands bordering the lake to rocky cliffs and woodland.

The park also protects the largest euphorbia candelabrum forest in Africa. These tall, branching succulents are endemic to the region and provide a bold textural element to the arid landscapes.

Accommodation: Where to Stay near Lake Nakuru National Park

6. Lamu Island

Lamu Island
Lamu Island

The small island of Lamu, northeast of Mombasa, oozes old-world charm. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lamu Old Town is Kenya’s oldest continually inhabited settlement, with origins dating back to the 12th century.

Strolling the labyrinthine streets is one of the top things to do here. You can see the island’s rich trading history reflected in the buildings. Architectural features from the Arab world, Europe, and India are evident, yet with a discernible Swahili technique. Intricately carved wooden doors, coral stone buildings, hidden courtyards, verandas, and rooftop patios are common features.

Sightseeing here is like stepping back in time. Dhows plow the harbor, few if any motorized vehicles exist here, and donkeys still rule the streets as they have done for centuries. Most of Lamu’s population is Muslim, and both men and women dress in traditional attire.

Top attractions on the island include Lamu Museum, with displays on Swahili culture and the region’s nautical history; Lamu Fort; and the Donkey Sanctuary.

If all the history is a little too much, you can bask on one of the island’s white-sand beaches or sip Arabic coffee in a local café.

Accommodation: Where to Stay in Lamu

7. Lake Naivasha

Lake Naivasha
Lake Naivasha

A haven for birders, Lake Naivasha lies at the highest point of the Great Rift ValleyMore than 400 species of birds have been spotted here, including African fish eagles, jacanas, white-fronted bee-eaters, and several species of kingfishers.

One of the best ways to view the wildlife is by boat. Hippos slosh in the water, and giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, and eland graze around the edges of the lake. Keep a lookout for colobus monkeys in the canopies, too.

Near Lake Naivasha, the Crater Lake Game Sanctuary features a wildlife-rich nature trail.

Just south of Lake Naivashathe relatively affordable Hell’s Gate National Park protects a wide variety of wildlife and offers excellent climbing opportunities, with two extinct volcanoes and the red cliffs of Hell’s Gate Gorge.

On the southern shore of Lake Naivasha, you can pop in for a cup of tea at the Elsamere Conservation Centre, the former home of the late Joy Adamson, author of Born Free, and her husband George.

Note that Lake Naivasha has been known to shrink considerably in times of extreme drought, and a flourishing floriculture industry in the area is also impacting water levels and quality. But the lake is typically lush and full of life.

8. Nairobi

Karen Blixen Museum in Nairobi
Karen Blixen Museum in Nairobi

If you’re looking for things to do in Kenya other than a safari, you’ll have plenty of choices in the country’s capital and largest city. Nairobi is legendary for its colorful colonial history. It was once the capital of British East Africa, luring settlers who came here to stake their fortune in the coffee and tea industries. Today, you can explore the city’s famous historic sites and excellent wildlife-related attractions.

Craving some cultural attractions in Kenya? You’ll find several worthwhile places to visit in Nairobi. The Nairobi National Museum is a great one-stop spot to see exhibits on Kenya’s history, nature, culture, and contemporary art. Green thumbs will also enjoy the botanic gardens on the grounds.

Another popular tourist attraction is the Karen Blixen Museum, the restored residence of the famous Danish author of the book Out of Africa, also known by her pen name, Isak Dinesen.

To see wildlife without venturing far from the city center, visit Nairobi National Park, now a black rhino sanctuary and also home to a diversity of other African wildlife.

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