Best time for vacation in mexico

Vacations are a great way to relax and de-stress or recharge your batteries, provided you choose the right time to go away. The best time for vacation in mexico can be quite different depending on the season, so keep this article handy when planning your holiday.

If you want to visit Mexico, then it’s likely you’re wondering what the best time for vacation in Mexico is. No matter your reason for travel, choosing the best time for vacation in Mexico can make a big difference to your experience. In this article I’m going to share with you 5 great reasons why now is a spectacular time to visit Mexico and some information on how to plan a trip…

If you aren’t sure about when to go for vacation in Mexico, this article is for you. The importance of deciding on the right time of year to go on your dream vacation cannot be overstated as it will help you not only take advantage of the best weather conditions but also make the most out of time off. You see, mornings in Mexico are usually cool and comfortable while afternoons can prove quite hot. This means that mornings are perfect for:

The best time to go on vacation in Mexico is when you feel like it. There are a lot of different factors that determine what the best time to go on vacation in Mexico is, and they can be as simple or complex as you want them to be.

For example, if you’re looking for the best weather, there are a few factors here: First of all, the weather in Mexico varies widely depending on where you are. If you’re interested in going somewhere warm and sunny year-round, then consider going to Yucatan Peninsula or Riviera Maya during their “dry” season (from November through March). If you prefer cooler temperatures and less humidity, consider visiting Cancun between April and September.

The second biggest factor for determining what time of year will give you the best conditions for your vacation is which region of Mexico you want to visit. For example, if your goal is to spend time on the beach or in the water, then consider going during their rainy season (June through September). However, if this isn’t important to you and all you care about is having fun with friends or family members instead then any time will do!

Mexico is an incredible country, and it offers a wide variety of tourist destinations. While there are many different times of year that you can visit Mexico, some are better than others. Here are the best times to go on vacation in Mexico:

January – February

This is the best time for skiing in Mexico, as well as for visiting the beaches. The temperatures are very mild, but not too hot or cold. You’ll have plenty of sunshine, but it won’t be too harsh on your skin. However, this is also when most people go on vacation during the holidays, so expect crowds at popular destinations like Cancun and Cabo San Lucas.

April – May

Visitors who come here during this time can enjoy warm weather with fewer crowds than during other months. The weather will still be quite pleasant with temperatures around eighty degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius). You should avoid visiting during Easter week if possible; since there are many religious holidays in April and May, hotels will be booked solid.

June – August

If you want to avoid crowds altogether while still enjoying warm temperatures near the beach then consider visiting Mexico between June-August when most schools close down for summer break until September

When is the Best Time to Visit Mexico

The best time to visit Mexico is during the dry season, which runs roughly from December to April. This time is ideal if you want a perfect weather forecast and virtually no rain during your trip to Mexico.

While that’s the simple answer, the reality is that the best time to visit Mexico will totally depend on your personal circumstances.

If you’re going on a spring break getaway with friends, you’ll probably want to visit in March. Are you hoping to take advantage of fewer crowds right before the wet season begins? You’ll want to book a trip for the shoulder season in May. 

So, let’s break down Mexico’s seasons and figure out the best time for your vacation. 

The Best Time to Visit Mexico for Good Weather

View of a sunflower field during a sunny morning in Mexico
Sunshine and Sunflower Fields on a Hike in Puebla

Though it varies by region, the dry season from December to April generally has the best weather out of the year. During these months, most of the Mexican country has sunny skies, pleasant temperatures around 23℃/ 75℉, and almost no rainy days.

The winter and early spring months are the perfect seasons for taking advantage of Mexico’s outdoor activities. A few of my recommendations are swimming in cenotes, ziplining, and surfing. 

However, note that December to April is also considered a peak season in Mexico. So, it’ll likely be crowded with lots of other travelers appreciating the great weather. 

When to Visit Mexico for Cheap Prices

View of people enjoying their meal and view from INTI Beach Restaurant
Views from INTI Beach Restaurant During the Shoulder Season in Yucatan

The best time to visit Mexico on a budget is during the shoulder season in April, May, mid-October, and early November. The shoulder season is that brief period of time right before Mexico’s rainy season starts. This means that you’ll still have good weather without all the high prices that come with the peak tourist season. 

While it might be tempting to book a trip to Mexico during the summer months, in many destinations in Mexico, summer is the worst time to visit Mexico. It’s hot and rainy on the Mexican west coast, and the Yucatan beaches are often covered in sargassum. Plus, later in the summer, hurricanes start to become a potential risk of visiting coastal destinations.

If you’re sticking to a strict budget, visit Mexico’s beaches and cities during the spring and fall. 

The Best Time to Visit Mexico for Sunny Beach Days

View of a man kitesurfing in a beach in Playa Del Carmen
Blue Skies at the Beach in Playa Del Carmen

Mexico has some incredible beaches from Puerto Vallarta on the Pacific Coast to the white sand beaches of Playa Del Carmen and in Tulum on the Yucatan Peninsula. 

The best time to visit Mexico for lots of sunny beach days is December to March. 

In other parts of the world, this is the winter season. In Mexico, it’s nothing but warm, gorgeous weather and blue skies on the beaches. 

The Best Time to Visit Mexico for Families and Kids

View of a lizard and the clear blue water from Tulum's Archeological Zone
A Lizard Soaking up Some Sun at Tulum’s Archeological Zone

When traveling to Mexico with children, avoid the hurricane season, which happens from August to October. It’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Also, it’s probably a good idea to avoid spring break hot spots like Cancun during March and April. That is, unless you want to be running into many drunk college students during your family vacation. 

 Is Your Trip Protected? Traveling these days is risky. Check out our guide to vacation insurance for Mexico to learn about how you can protect your trip, or get a quote now from World Nomads.

When to Visit Mexico for Avoiding Crowds

The author soaking her feet in El Cenote Azul
Plenty of Fish at El Cenote Azul in September, But Fewer Tourists

For many travelers, the perfect vacation is when there’s nobody else around. 

The low season from May to mid-December is generally ideal for tourists looking to avoid crowds during their visit Mexico.

Note that late February through early April is generally the most crowded time to visit Mexico’s beaches, as the US’s spring break and Mexico’s Semana Santa drive crowds to the beaches.

While this time period is mostly the rainy season, that doesn’t actually mean that it’ll rain daily. Most days, it’s more like a quick afternoon sprinkle. 

It’s also important to remember that some areas of the country, like Mexico City, will be crowded all year long because it’s just a densely populated area. 

The Best Time to Visit Mexico for Seeing the Monarch Butterflies

Butterflies flying around the area of Valle De Bravo
Monarchs Soaring Through the Sky in Valle De Bravo (photo: Pablo Garcia Saldana / Shutterstock)

From December to March, thousands of monarch butterflies fly from the United States and Canada to Central Mexico. In Mexico, they hibernate for the winter. 

If you’re staying in Mexico City during this time, there are many tours that can take you to see the incredible monarch butterflies. I’d recommend this 12-hour Butterfly Monarch Tour from Mexico City.  

When to Visit Mexico for Holidays

A decoration at El Parian Market during Day of the Dead
Decorations for Day of the Dead at El Parian Market in Puebla

There are a variety of unique holidays in Mexico, but some of the most popular include:

  • Holy Week / Semana Santa (April 10 – April 16)
  • Cinco de Mayo (May 5th, 2022)
  • Mexican Independence Day (September 16)
  • Day of the Dead (October 30 – November 2)
  • Navidad (December 25)

While some of these holidays are well-known to foreigners, others, like Holy Week, are a little more unknown. Holy Week, or Semana Santa, is the first week in Mexico’s extended Easter celebrations. It’s a very important holiday for most Mexican families, and many flock to the beach for family vacation. For this reason, expect prices to soar at hotels in Playa del Carmenhotels in Tulum, and any other popular beach destination. 

Showing up to a celebrating region of Mexico during a national holiday period like Semana Santa or Cinco de Mayo can be super fun if you’re expecting it. But, if you’re hoping for a more low-key vacation, it could put a little too much action for you. 

The Best Time to Visit Mexico for Whale Watching

View of the tale of a blue whale in Mexico

Whale watching is another popular activity when you’re visiting Mexico, but the season for it is brief, and it changes depending on where you are. 

Along Mexico’s Pacific Coast or in Baja California, you might be able to spot humpbacks gray or blue whales from December to March. Your best chance of successful whale watching near Puerto Vallarta is between January and early February. When staying on the east coast, whale shark watching tours are available from the middle of May to mid-September. 

If you’re planning your vacation around a specific activity, like whale watching, the middle of the season tends to be the best time for catching a glimpse. 

Read Next: 25 Best Things to Do in Puerto Vallarta

Mexico Travel Seasons

Overlooking view of the Puebla town and mountains on it
Clouds Collecting Around the Mountains in Puebla

The Rainy Season (May/June to October/November)

  • ☁️ Weather – Expect quick bursts of afternoon rain daily but pleasant weather throughout the rest of the day. The renewing rain tends to make the entire country more colorful with thriving nature. 
  • ️ Events – Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is one of the most significant events throughout Mexico during the country’s rainy season. It happens from October 30 to November 2, but the festivities can bleed into the surrounding weeks. In June, there’s also the Gay Pride Parade in Mexico City and around the country. 
  • ‍ ‍ Crowds – There are usually minimal crowds in Mexico during this low season because the “rainy” title scares away a lot of visitors. So, you’ll probably be one of only a few tourists around during this time. 
  • ✨ Activities – While it’s still possible to go outdoors during the rainy season, you should keep indoor activities in mind. Some of the best things to do during this time of year are visiting museums, going to a spa, or taking a traditional cooking class. 

The Hurricane Season (August to October/November)

  • ☁️ Weather – Mexico has very rainy weather during the peak hurricane season, especially along the Carribean and Pacific coasts. Usually, heavier and longer-lasting storms. Even though the season has an intimidating name, the chances of becoming victim to a hurricane are still pretty low. But, it’s possible. 
  • ️ Events – The main events are the Nanacamilpa Firefly Sanctuary, Mexican Independence Day, the Morelia International Film Festival, and the Corona Capital Festival.
  • ‍ ‍  Crowds – There won’t be that many other people around from September Mid-October. However, August is still technically considered the peak season. So, there will be crowds at the end of summer. 
  • ✨ Activities – Some of the best things to do when you’re visiting Mexico during a questionable season is to enjoy the food and local culture. August can ironically also be a good time for water activities like snorkeling and tours to see whale sharks. 

 Curious About Travel Insurance? Even if you avoid Mexico’s hurricane season, natural disasters can still happen. That’s why travel insurance is so important. If you want to know more, read Nate’s article about travel insurance in Mexico for 2022.  

The Dry Season (December to April)

  • ☁️ Weather – As the dry season progresses, temperatures rise and the rain slowly fades away (although storms can still happen). The beaches won’t be as stiflingly hot if you’re on the coast and the wet weather lightens up. In Central Mexico, there will be cooler nights but mostly perfect temperatures during the day. 
  • ️ Events – There are lots of events throughout the country during the dry season. Christmas is celebrated heavily in Mexico and the rest of Latin America throughout December. In January, there are loads of festivals. Including the International Migratory Bird Festival, the January Festival, and the Merida
  • ‍ ‍ Crowds – This is the peak tourist season in Mexico, so you should expect very busy crowds around this time. 
  • ✨ Activities – The dry season is commonly regarded as Mexico’s best weather out of the year. It’s the perfect time to experience all of Mexico’s outdoor activities. Lounging on the beaches, visiting ancient pyramids, scuba diving, and taking a hot air balloon ride are all great options. 

Mexico Weather and Climate by Region

Yucatán Peninsula Weather

Pelicans on a palm tree in Yucatán Peninsula
Pelicans Getting Cozy in a Palm Tree in a Tulum

The Yucatán Peninsula is one of the warmest regions of Mexico with an average daily high temperature of 34℃ / 93℉. It’s going to either be hot or hotter no matter when you visit the Yucatán hotspots of Cancun, Playa Del Carmen, and Tulum. This region is also very humid all year round. 

This area gets the most rain from June to October. The ideal times for avoiding rain and overcast in the Yucatán Peninsula are from November to May. 

️ Need a Hotel? The Yucatán Peninsula is one of Mexico’s most popular vacation spots and there are lots of accommodations to choose from. I’d recommend Hotel Una Vida in Tulum for its gorgeous scenery and central location. 

Oaxaca Weather

View while driving to Oaxaca in Mexico
Driving Through Oaxaca

The Oaxaca region has a fairly warm climate throughout the year, but it isn’t nearly as humid as Yucatán because it’s more centrally located. The temperature in Oaxaca also varies more throughout the year. Temperatures drop to a low of 27℃ / 80℉ in January and get back up to 32℃ / 90℉ by May.

The rainy season rolls through Oaxaca from May to September mainly. It isn’t too windy in this region, but the windiest time of year is from late September to January. 

Central Mexico, Weather

View of a mirror and a window from the author's apartment in Mexico
Tucked Away in my Apartment During a Thunder Storm in Mexico City

Mexico City, Queretaro, San Miguel de Allende, and Guadalajara are part of the massive region that is Central Mexico. The climate in central and southern Mexico tends to be pretty enjoyable for most of the year, even during the rainy seasons.

The central Mexico region is generally a lot cooler than other parts of the country. Temperatures tend to stick around 23℃ / 75℉ during the daytime and drop down to 12℃ / 55℉ at night. It can be even colder if you’re visiting the mountains. The windy season in this region lasts from January to April. 

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