Best places to work in the federal government

In the 2014 Best Places to Work in the Federal Government rankings, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) ranked 111 federal agencies from among the largest federal organizations. The rankings were created by analyzing results from three employee surveys and comparing them with financial data from the 2010 U.S. Census. This study is unique in that it accounts for an organization’s size and mission, representing a significant advance in transparency and accountability. See below for a list of rankings of federal government best places to work:

The Best Places to Work in the Federal Government is an annual competition and assessment by the Partnership for Public Service, with input from more than 600,000 employees across the government. The program aims to recognize organizations that provide a workplace where employees are engaged and productive—and actively contribute their ideas to help make the organization a better place to work. . . .

The best places to work in the federal government are determined based on the latest data available at the Office of Personnel Management. A few things to keep in mind with this list is it only lists rank in state and agency. It does not list every city, state office or district office for an agency. In addition, GSA employees are based at various facilities throughout the country; these offices are not listed in the site.

The best places to work in the federal government are those that offer employees a combination of workplace flexibility and stability. Employees need to be able to balance their work and home lives, but they also want to know that their jobs will be there for them when they need it.

The federal government is a large, complex organization with many different roles and responsibilities. It also has thousands of employees working in each agency, and many of these people are looking for new opportunities. If you’re interested in getting a job with the government, it can be helpful to know what agencies have the best reputation when it comes to employee satisfaction.

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) conducts an annual survey that asks federal employees about their satisfaction with their jobs. The results are compiled into an overall rating for each agency as well as a ranking of positions within each agency.

In addition to this survey, there are other factors that can influence where you go to work in the federal government: geographic location, type of position desired (such as being outdoors), salary expectations and benefits provided by the organization.

Here are some of the top agencies based on the OPM ratings:

Best places to work in the federal government


Every year, the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the effectiveness of government, publishes its rankings of the best places to work in the federal government. The rankings include an examination of nearly 300 agencies and subcomponents throughout government.

The largest agency among them is the Department of Defense with over 700,000 employees; the smallest is Library of Congress with just over 3,700 employees. The agencies that have been ranked are grouped into four categories: small (1,250 or fewer employees), midsize (1,251-15,000 employees), large (15,001-150,000 employees) and governmentwide. While each agency can only be ranked in one category each year based on its size at that time.

Small agency: Nuclear Regulatory Commission

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is a small agency with a workforce of 3,300, but its employees are very satisfied. The NRC has an average score of 4.6 out of 5 in the Office of Personnel Management’s Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.

Large agency: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

The FDIC is the largest and most complex of all federal agencies. It has more than 7,000 employees in Washington, D.C., the San Francisco Bay Area and throughout its banking districts around the country. The agency’s workforce includes professional economists, lawyers, accountants and IT specialists who work on projects at any time—from repairing a broken server to responding to an audit report or preparing for congressional testimony.

The FDIC protects depositors by insuring their deposits up to $250,000 per account type at each FDIC-insured bank or savings institution (banks that are not federally insured are not covered). The agency also ensures that banks operate safely so they can continue lending into local communities across America when needed most during times of crisis or economic uncertainty; helps ensure fair access to financial services by promoting competition among banks; promotes consumer awareness about financial services; administers programs that help consumers make informed decisions about banking products; regulates state-chartered banks (those chartered by states rather than directly by Congress); conducts research on banks’ risk management capabilities; supervises large nonbank financial companies whose activities may pose risks similar to those posed by depository institutions (including insurance companies); promotes community development through lending programs designed specifically for small businesses owned primarily by women or minorities; enforces consumer protection laws governing deposit accounts held at member banks nationwide

Mid-size agency: Bureau of Indian Affairs

The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) is a mid-size agency that provides federal services to American Indians, Alaska Natives and Native Hawaiians. The BIA houses the largest group of Native Americans in the federal government, with about 8% of its workforce made up of members from these communities. The BIA is also responsible for administering and managing 55,000 square miles of trust land—land held in trust by the United States for Native American tribes—and has an annual budget of $2 billion.

The Bureau works primarily with tribal governments on issues such as economic development, education and health care. It offers loans to tribes as well as funds through programs like the Self Determination Act that allow reservations to manage their own finances through contracts with the U.S. This year’s Best Places To Work In The Federal Government survey ranked it No. 3 overall among large agencies for its work environment and No 2 overall among large agencies for employee engagement scores; 96% would recommend working at BIA to colleagues or friends (the highest rating among all 31 large agencies).

Governmentwide category: Best places to work for people with disabilities

The best places to work for people with disabilities in the federal government are:

  • Office of Personnel Management (OPM) – OPM provides human resources services, leadership and advocacy for a workforce of more than 70,000 employees at 665 locations across the country.
  • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) – ATF is one of the premier criminal investigative organizations in the world. ATF’s most visible role is to combat violent crime affecting our communities through innovative law enforcement strategies and close working relationships with a variety of partners dedicated to public safety.

These agencies are the best to work in when you are considering working for the federal government!

The following are the best federal agencies to work for:

  • The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established in 1958 by Congress, which charged it with the “conduct of aeronautical and space activities” for research, exploration, and development.
  • The National Institutes of Health (NIH) is one of 27 institutes that make up the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS). It funds medical research through grants to universities across the country that address disease prevention, treatment, diagnosis and cure efforts as well as basic biology.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) works with other federal agencies on environmental issues including air quality standards; water pollution control; toxic substances control; pesticide regulations; radiation protection programs like Superfund site cleanups; recycling initiatives; emission standards for cars and trucks; energy use reduction programs like Energy Star appliances/lighting/renewables labeling system implementation


These agencies are best suited to work in if you are considering working for the federal government!

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