Best places to work at 15

Business Insider recently published one of the best infographics I’ve seen in a long time. It details which are the best places to work at 15 . From Google to Twitter and Facebook to LinkedIn, you can find out which companies offer their employees the best conditions!

The term “best places to work” when applied to a small business refers to more than just compensation, benefits and perks. It also refers to the workplace itself and the types of people you work with. Businesses usually have some kind of award for having the best place to work. The workplace is a place where employees go to fulfill their duties so as a result, its design should be one that facilitates productivity and comfort for its occupants.

The Best Places to Work ranking is an annual list published by Fortune magazine. The Best Places to Work is the most comprehensive employee survey in corporate America and one of the most closely watched lists in business.

We’re so excited to share our list of the best places to work at 15!

To compile this list, we looked at Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work List for 2019. We then researched the companies on that list, and added in a few other companies that we thought would be great places to work.

The companies on this list are special because they value their employees and provide them with opportunities for growth. They have flexible hours, great benefits packages, and make sure their workers are happy and healthy.

If you’re looking for a new job or considering changing jobs, these are definitely worth checking out!

When you’re looking for a job, there’s no shortage of lists telling you how to find the best place for you. But how do you know if it’s really the best place?

The answer is simple: ask your friends and colleagues.

That’s right—the best way to find out where the best places to work are is to hear it straight from people who have been there. And since we know you’re busy, we’ve done all the legwork for you. Here are 15 companies that our employees love working at:

Best places to work at 15


It isn’t easy being a kid. You have school, assignments, and you can’t drive yet, making it hard to get around. Your first job will be an important moment in your life because it is the first time that you will be paid for your time. This article will look at the best places to work at 15-years old.

Places you can work at 15.

You can work at fast food restaurants, restaurants, gas stations and many other places. For example:

  • Fast Food Restaurants may include McDonalds, Taco Bell or Wendy’s.
  • Restaurants include Olive Garden and Red Lobster.
  • Gas Stations include Shell and Exxon Mobil (you can get a job working there if you’re 16).

Fast food restaurants.

Fast food restaurants are the ideal place to work for teenagers. The fast pace, short hours, and high turnover rate make it easy for teens to get hired and move up quickly. In fact, you could feasibly earn your first paycheck from a fast food restaurant at 15 years old!

It’s not just the opportunity that makes working at a fast food restaurant appealing—the pay is also great. A manager position can pay between $40K-$60K per year (sometimes more), which is more than enough to support yourself if you’re living at home with your parents or have roommates who share expenses with you.

If you’re considering working as an assistant manager or store manager for one of these companies, check out our page on how much assistant managers make per hour:


I’ve worked in restaurants for years, and I love it. There are so many different types of jobs you can get there, from hostess to server to cook. You get benefits, like health insurance and retirement plans, which is hard to find elsewhere.

Even as a server, you’re making your own schedule—you don’t have to report until 5 if that works better for you! Or if it’s late night on Saturday and the restaurant is packed with people wanting food or drinks, who cares? Just stay until the crowd dies down and then go home early!

You’ll make great money at these places too. In some cities such as New York City or San Francisco where rent is high (and wages higher), servers can make upwards of $100 per hour when tips are factored in! Plus tips are not required under law—they’re just extra income for good service like being friendly but not being too pushy about selling extra items off the menu or drinks bought during happy hour.”

Other places you can work at 15.

  • Grocery store.
  • Book store.
  • Movie theater.
  • Ice cream parlor.
  • Fast food restaurant.
  • Restaurant/bar that serves alcohol to minors, or one where the owner is too drunk to operate a business properly, or one where they don’t pay their employees minimum wage, or any other unethical establishment that you wouldn’t want to work at because it’s just not right! In fact, if your boss doesn’t like you for whatever reason–for example: if he’s a racist and hates Mexicans–you should probably ask yourself why you’re working for him in the first place!

You can find a job at 15.

You can find a job at 15. You can find jobs on Craigslist, Monster and Indeed. If you want to work for a fast-food restaurant, you will probably have to apply online. Some restaurants like Chipotle and Panera Bread only take online applications.

Many retail stores also have online application forms such as Target or Walmart. You could get a job at one of these stores if you are willing to work hard and show up on time!


To conclude, a 15-year-old can work at many places in the United States. You don’t have to be 18 to get your first job.

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