Best places to see whales

Many people dream of seeing a whale in the wild. Along the coast of California you can see whales on most trips. The best time to see whales is right after a pod has eaten. This means you should go out with lunch or dinner time trips in spring and summer. Additionally, you should also go out between February and April because this is when the grey whales migrate from Alaska to Mexico. Another great place for seeing humpback, finback and grays whales would be off of Vancouver Island in British Columbia Canada from May to September.

I love whales. There’s something about their massive size, the way they move through the sea and how you can often see them from shore that makes me want to travel to different coastal areas just to see these majestic creatures up close. This travel guide covers some of the top places in the world where you can spot killer whales, humpbacks and other species of whales without too much effort. Read on below for a quick tour around the world | see all at once with the table of contents.

The best places to see whales are in the Pacific Northwest, off the coast of Alaska, and in the Arctic. These areas are known for their large populations of humpback whales, which are one of the most common whale species in the world. You may also see beluga whales, blue whales, orcas, and sperm whales depending on where you go.

If you’re looking to see some whales, we’ve got some great places for you to check out.

  1. Vancouver Island, Canada

Vancouver Island is home to a number of whales, including the blue whale. The island is also home to a number of whale-watching companies that can take you out on their boats for a chance to see these majestic creatures up close.

  1. Long Beach, Washington

In Long Beach, Washington there are several companies that offer tours where you can see orcas and other types of whales. If you go during the winter months (December through March), you’ll have an even better chance of seeing them because they tend to migrate south during this time period.

  1. Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts

Cape Cod Bay is also known as “America’s Dolphin Capital” because it’s home to so many dolphins, including bottle-nosed dolphins and Atlantic white-sided dolphins (which are rare). You can go on a tour with one of the many companies that offer trips into the bay during certain times of year (typically late spring through early fall) or rent your own boat and head out on your own!

Best places to see sperm whales

Sperm whales are the best whales to start whale watching, by far. First of all, sperm whales are the most famous and most well known (Moby Dick!) whales of all. Second, they only appear in a few places on the planet but are very reliable to be found there. Third, they are easy to locate by hydrophone and even easier to identify by their blow, which is slightly tilted to the left, and their massive tail. And last but not least, they usually lie motionless in the water after resurfacing after a dive and always raise their fluke before diving again. This guarantees the best photos. All of that makes sperm whales the perfect whale watching whales.

But that would be too good to be true.

Because sperm whales have a unique feature among the big whales: Teeth and their predatory nature. I admit having mixed emotions, when I stood in front of a life-sized model of a 20 meter sperm whale in Andenes, Norway, knowing that I would soon be crossing a deep sea canyon, filled with sperm whales, in a 5 meter Zodiac. Sperm whale teeth are the size of a fist – assuming that you have a big fist. A sperm whale’s mouth is home to more than 40 of those. They use those to go hunting for deep sea squid in a depth of 2.000 meters. Scars and scratches on the whales’ giant heads indicate that the squid usually don’t play along willingly. Deep sea canyon, giant squid, monstrous teeth. Riding on top of those in a 5 meter Zodiac might let you have second thoughts.

Even if “Moby Dick” tried to convince you otherwise, sperm whales are completely peaceful and social animals. Basically, sperm whales are like cows – only smarter and a lot more fascinating. For example, sperm whales have the biggest head of all animals anywhere. It can amount to one third of the whole body, making it the size of a pick-up truck. That big head is home to the biggest brain on Earth (up to 8 kilos) and enormous amounts of yellowish wax-like oil (called “spermaceti”, hence the animal’s alternative name “sperm whale”), which was the reason why sperm whales were hunted to the brink of extinction.

The oil is most likely used for controlling buoyancy during dives. It can be heated or cooled by the sea water, altering its density. At higher density, the whale sinks down; at lower density the whale goes upwards. That’s at least one theory – it’s still uncertain, if and how the sperm whale uses the oil in his head for his ultra deep dives.

However, no question is that sperm whales dive to depths of two to three kilometers (!), holding their breath up to 120 minutes (!). During longer dives, their heart rate goes down significantly and only the most important organs (heart and brain) are supplied with blood. During extreme dives, the animal can even collapse its lungs, relying solely on the oxygen reserves in its blood and muscles. In situations like those, it certainly seems like a good idea to have a built-in automatic resurfacing programming.

Sperm whales have the largest head in the entire animal kingdom – it is about the size of a standard pickup truck.

The Best Places for Blue Whale Watching

The following are the world’s best places to watch blue whales in their natural habitat. Please note that we’ve included links to the local PADI dive centers below, as often these dive centers will also run whale watching trips or be affiliated with a company that does.

Saguenay – St. Lawrence Marine Park, Québec

This wonderful marine park in Canada is home to 1600 marine species, among which live 13 different types of whales. These include blue whales, humpback whales and a resident population of beluga. Expert local guides will introduce you to the world of marine biology and cetaceans while accompanying you to see the marine animals that live and feed in this uncontaminated park.

Best Time: June to September

Reykjavík and Húsavík, Iceland

In Iceland, whale sightings can be made throughout the year, but from a tourist point of view, we suggest you go whale watching in the summer for better weather conditions. During this time, you will see large whales such as the blue whale, minke whale and others. These whales venture to the icy waters of Iceland in search of food.

Best Time: May to August

Pico Island, Azores

The Azores in Portugal is an archipelago of 9 islands, all of volcanic origin. Here you can go diving, surfing, kayaking, bird watching, paragliding and, of course, whale watching. Giant whales, like blue whales and sperm whales, as well as pods of dolphins regularly visit the area. Don’t miss your chance to see blue whales during their annual migrations.

Best Time: February to March

Monterey Bay, California

With more than 2,000 individuals, the blue whale population of California is the largest and healthiest in the world. These whales are found here because there is a large concentration of the krill on which they feed. The researchers, who will accompany you on whale watching excursions, can identify each whale by taking a picture of one of its sides. This must include the dorsal fin, as its shape is different from whale to whale. In November, these individuals begin their migration to Baja California.

Best Time: July to October

Baja California Sur, Mexico

The Sea of Cortez is one of the most beautiful seas in the world. It’s known as the “Aquarium of Mexico” because of the large biodiversity found within its confines. Between December and April, whales gather here to give birth and breed. Local guides will accompany you on small boats, but you only need to travel a few hundred meters from the coast, and you will be joined by many whales. This creates an unforgettable, half-day whale tour.

Best Time: January to March

blue whale watching - a blue whale swims near the surface

The Best Places for Swimming with Blue Whales

The following are the best places to swim with blue whales.

Mirissa, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is one of the very few places in the world where, besides being able to go blue whale watching, swimming with blue whales is allowed. Imagine getting into the water with the largest animal that has ever existed! It is very important to rely on experienced and competent guides to enjoy this meeting. Be sure to maintain a respectful distance from the whales.

It’s also possible to go whale spotting from small airplanes in Mirissa or out of Colombo. This is a fun and unique experience, giving you a fantastic view of the landscape and the blue whales!

Best Time: March to April

San Diego, California

San Diego is a city in California, near the border with Mexico. From this location, it is possible to look for the biggest animal in the world, the blue whale. These excursions allow you to observe them from the boat and swim with them. The number of people who can get in close contact with these cetaceans is limited in order to avoid disturbing the marine giants.

Best Time: July to August

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