Bali Visa For Indian Passport Holders

Bali is one of the most popular destinations in Indonesia. Bali is famous for its beautiful beaches, temples, natural beauty and friendly atmosphere. Bali is actually a small Island in the Indonesian Archipelago. Bali has many tourist attractions for all kind of visitors. The beauty of nature makes Bali a heaven place to be visited in Indonesia. The reason of visiting Bali is different for all kinds of visitors, hence it offers something special to all the visitors. Thus, The government of Indonesia trying its best to handle the increasing tourists entering into the country especially those visiting Bali, since the situation has become quite complicated on the part of immigration office .  

Indian passport carriers are among the most keen tourist-seekers. They like to explore the nooks and corners of most of the world’s major locales. In recent years, they have also turned their attention towards Asia. Indonesia is among the most favorite countries for Indian tourists despite the fact that it is very far away, and over here, Bali has been popularizing itself as a go-to destination each year. It’s a paradise that, however, comes at a price. While Indians can apply for entry visas at specific Indonesian embassies in their home country, not many know that they can easily avoid doing so through a more convenient and cost-effective process.

Indonesia Visa Requirements for Indian Citizens

Indian nationals can visit Indonesia for various motives and lengths of time without needing a visa. At the moment, the Indonesian government is in the process of introducing an electronic visa for foreign travelers, including Indians. This online visa aims to facilitate international visits for various reasons and for prolonged lengths of time.

Currently, Indian passport holders do not need a visa to visit Indonesia for short term and temporary stays. Once the online visa is made available to them, they might be required to obtain a standard one before their arrival, depending on their travel plans.

Do Indian Visitors Need an Indonesian Visa?

The Indonesian visa policy determines which nationalities need a visa to enter Indonesia depending on their reasons for travel and length of stay. Indian citizens are visa-exempt if they are traveling to Indonesia for quick visits (under 30 days) and for one of the following reasons:

  • Tourism
  • Business meetings
  • Cultural events
  • Professional conferences
  • Transiting
  • Official government duties

Indian travelers should note that their departure must be planned within 30 days of their arrival if they enter Indonesia visa-free. They cannot extend their stay if they would need to remain for longer than initially planned for an unexpected reason. They should also note they can only enter through one of the following authorized ports of entry in Indonesia.

On the other hand, Indians who want to visit Indonesia for more extended periods of time or would like to relocate and pursue employment opportunities or higher learning must apply for a standard visa at the Indonesian embassy in New Delhi.

Indonesian Visas on Arrival Available to Indian Nationals

Indian travelers who would like to apply for a visa to enter Indonesia can choose between the standard embassy visa or an Indonesian Visa on Arrival (VOA). The visa on arrival is a valid option for those visitors who have not had the chance to apply beforehand. Like those citizens who are traveling visa-free, they are allowed a stay of 30 days. However, those with a visa can prolong their visit for an extra month if they need to once in the country. However, they must note that this option entails having to queue sometimes for long hours and to pay the visa processing fee in cash only.

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