Austria Work Permit For Students

Currently international students planning to move to Austria are interested in the possibility of getting a work permit. Austria’s working holiday program is attractive to those who want to work and travel at the same time. However, getting a work permit for Austrians in general is quite challenging.

The Austrian Labour Force Survey reveals that jobs in Austria are mainly taken by temporary workers. Students who study in Austria and have a job for over 25 hours per week are no longer considered as temporary workers and need a valid work permit.

How Do I Apply for an Austria Student Visa?

When you apply for your student visa you need to follow a few steps:

  1. Find a university in Austria.
  2. Fill in the visa application form.
  3. Gather all your documents.
  4. Make a visa appointment.
  5. Prepare for an interview.

Step 1: Find a university in Austria

Please make sure you’ve found the university that suits you best for your studies. You need to provide confirmation of your acceptance before you apply for your student visa. Students are encouraged to apply before the deadlines; September 5th for the winter semester and February 5th for the summer semester.

Remember: some universities have an acceptance exam. You must pass the exam in order to be enrolled at the university. Due to this, some study programs might have an earlier application deadline.

Step 2: Fill in the visa application form

The second most important step you need to complete before you apply is to download, print, and fill in the application form.

Step 3: Gather all your documents

Make sure all the required documents are in order before you submit your application. Your documents need to either in English or in German and if required they need to be legalized; check with your local representative authority beforehand.

Step 4: Make an appointment

You need to schedule an appointment to submit your application. Visas are issued by a representative authority within your country, it could be either an embassy or consulate. Once you identify your local office make an appointment, then you can submit your application.

Step 5: Prepare for an interview

You’ll probably be asked to sit down for an interview at the embassy. During the interview, you’ll be asked questions regarding your reasons for wanting to study in Austria and your possible future plans.

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