Australian Working Holiday Visa For Italian Citizens

Australia Working Holiday Visa for Italian citizens for those citizens that wants to experience the real Australia by working and gaining work experience there. For more info about the visa requirements, process, steps, conditions and many others please visit the official Australian website.

Canada, a country that happens to be one of Italy’s allies, has recently created a Working Holiday Visa for Italian Citizens which makes it easier for them to travel and work in Canada for two years.Is this useful for you? If it’s the case, then keep reading the post till the end!

Working Holiday Agreement


A Memorandum of Understanding relating to Working Holiday Visas exists between the Government of Australia and the Government of Italy. The principal purpose of visits under the Working Holiday program is a holiday with work being incidental to the holiday.

The Italian Government and its agencies are responsible for administration of the Working Holiday Program in Italy. The Australian Embassy Rome has prepared this information sheet based on the requirements set out in the Agreement itself and on the advised procedures of the Italian government agencies involved in the administration of the program. Specific procedural steps MAY VARY between regions and offices within Italy. The Australian Embassy takes no responsibility if the procedures outlined below are changed or varied in any way by the Italian authorities.

Three basic steps have to be followed in order for an Australian citizen to remain in Italy and work under the Working Holiday Visa Agreement:                            

1. Obtain the Working Holiday visa from the Italian Consulate which is closest to your place of residence in Australia; 2. Apply at the Immigration office of the Questura (Police headquarters) for a Permesso di Soggiorno ( Permit of residence) within 8 days of arriving in Italy; 3. Using the Permesso di Soggiorno (or the receipt proving that you have submitted an application for a Permesso di Soggiorno)  submit a request for a Work Permit to the Labour Office through your prospective employer.  These steps are set out in greater detail below:

General Steps for the Working Holiday Program in Italy:

1)  Obtain a Working Holiday visa from an Italian Diplomatic or consular office in Australia prior to travelling to Italy. The visa will be valid for 3 months from the date of issue i.e. the visa holder will have 3 months in which to use the visa to enter Italy. The visa will allow a stay of up to 12 months from the date of entry into Italy. Full details on obtaining the Working Holiday visa must be provided by the Italian Embassy or Consulate in Australia.

The following general conditions apply when requesting the Working Holiday visa at the Italian Consulate in Australia:
A) The bearer of a Working Holiday visa will be allowed to work in Italy for no more than a total of 6 months out of the 12 month stay and only for a maximum of 3 months for the same employer.
B) Working Holiday visas will only be issued to Australian citizens who are ordinarily resident in Australia, who are between the ages of 18 and 30 inclusive and who have no dependant children.
C) Working Holiday visa cannot be issued more than once to the same person.
D) Visa applicants must have a valid passport and a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase a return ticket.
E) Visa applicants must have sufficient funds for sustenance during their stay in Italy.
F) Working Holiday visa holders will be covered by the Australia–Italy Reciprocal Health Care Agreement during the first six months of their stay in Italy. Private Health cover is required for any further stay in Italy.

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