Australian Working Holiday Visa For Irish Citizens

The Australian Working Holiday Visa program is a great opportunity for Irish citizens to live, work, and travel in Australia. This post will give you the necessary information to make an informed decision on whether this is the right visa for you!

Ireland is the fourth most popular country to come to Australia on a working holiday visa. Every year over 6000 Irish citizens come to Australia on a 417 or 462 visa. This article provides an overview of the process and considerations for Irish citizens who are considering coming to Australia as a working holiday maker.

Working Holidays in Ireland for young Australians

Ireland and Australia have a reciprocal agreement under which each country allows young citizens from the other to fund a holiday through casual work. Each of the schemes is open to applicants aged 18-35. Both schemes allow participants to work for a maximum period of six months with any one employer.

As Australian citizens do not require a visa to enter Ireland, our scheme is not based on a visa, but on a Working Holiday Authorisation. Participants are issued with a document which they must carry with them when they travel to Ireland and produce upon request. This allows a qualifying traveller to engage in casual or temporary work in Ireland without the need for a work permit. It is valid for employment only when the bearer also presents a valid Garda National Immigration Bureau (GNIB) Registration Card. You should apply for this card as soon as possible after arrival, either through the GNIB office at 13/14 Burgh Quay Dublin 2 (for residents of Dublin) or through your local Garda (police) station outside Dublin.

The Authorisation must be activated within twelve months of issue or it will lapse. It is not possible to extend the period of validity of Working Holiday Authorisations, or to accept a second application from someone who has already been granted an Authorisation (whether or not they availed of it).

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