Australian Visa For Irish

Australian Visa For Irish provide you the best services relating to Australian Visa For Irish and help you obtain the visa on time. Our experts take care of all the things related with Australian Visa For Irish, including studying documents and applying for visa online.

Australian Visa For Irish is a totally new visa program launched by Australian government to welcome the Indian students to study at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The aim of this new program is to enhance the educational opportunities for Indian students living in India and who are interested in pursuing their studies abroad.

As an Irish citizen applying for a visa to Australia, you should know that there are certain visa requirements set by the Australian Home Office that you must fulfil. These requirements are meant to ensure that the Australian public is not threatened in any way or faced with financial burdens.

They include:

  • Having a passport that is valid for at least 3 months from the date that you arrive in Australia.
  • Being free of any diseases or conditions that may become a public health issue.
  • While in Australia, not using health care or community services that deny Australians and permanent residents of the same.
  • Must not have a criminal record or have served jail-time for a cumulative period up to or exceeding 12 months.
  • Must not be travelling to harass, threaten or endanger any member of the Australian population.
  • Must have a good character that can be attested by a police clearance certificate or a letter from an employer, etc.

On rare occasions, some applicants may be required to undergo a medical examination to ensure they fulfill the health criteria that qualify them for a visa. Travellers who are suffering from a serious illness or condition may be required to sign an Australian Health Undertaking that allows them to meet with a doctor in Australia to monitor their illness or condition.

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