Australian Visa For Afghan Interpreters

Australian Visa For Afghan Interpreters If you are an Afghan interpreter who wants to travel to Australia and come under the reciprocal visa rules so that you can easily settle down and work freely with the Aussie people, ,we want to provide you with the best option. Live in paradise with a special visa status in order to be able to search opportunity and find any job you want.

To get an Australian visa for Afghan interpreters, you must meet certain criteria. This could involve being a legal resident of Australia and speaking certain languages fluently. You need to show this to the relevant department of the Australian government through an application form. While other nationalities may also apply for an interpreter’s visa, many interpreters who have visas in their home country may try to come to Australia using their existing visa.

Afghanistan update

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Australian Government has announced that it will provide 31,500 places for Afghan nationals, through our Humanitarian and Family Visa programs. Further information is below.

The Advisory Panel on Australia’s Resettlement of Afghan Nationals (the Advisory Panel) played an important role in the Australian Government’s decision to increase the commitment to Afghanistan. The Advisory Panel also provided critical advice to support the $27.1 million funding for an Afghan Settlement Support package announced in October 2021. This Package was designed to cater to the specific settlement needs of Afghan nationals fleeing the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.​

The Government has changed Australia’s migration law to allow Afghan nationals evacuated from Afghanistan to apply for an offshore humanitarian visa in Australia. More details on these changes are available through the links below.​​

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