Australia Work Holiday Visa For Indian

There is a word that is going around very fast, and that word is “Australia”. The people of India are dreaming to go abroad once they study their college or complete their graduation. The dream to go abroad has grown up with the advertisement on TV, newspapers and even through internet. The main reason behind this dream is the light weight rumor that the life in Australia is easy and awesome. Now if we talk about the actuality, Australia work visa policy will not let you know that how hard it is to make your living over there with Australia work holiday visa? But it’s quite so because why not you have a look at the below listed points?

Are you an Indian citizen wanting to travel to Australia for a holiday? You may be eligible for this Work Holiday Visa if you are under 35 years of age and have saved enough for your trip. Indian students are eligible for this visa as long as they can provide proof that they have sufficient financial funds to maintain themselves during their holiday. Australian working students and international visitors can apply for this visa with the vision of holidaying in Australia and working at least several hours per week during their stay. After applying for the visa, tourists are allowed to work any full-time job opportunities available to them during their visit. The visa allows tourists to purchase work uniform which must be worn during work hours as well as a valid passport. Australian Working Holiday Visa holders will live with friends or relatives in Australia. They are therefore not entitled to any financial grants from Australia authorities nor social service benefits in any state or territory where they reside.

What’s required to get a Work and Holiday (subclass 462) visa for Australia

The Work and Holiday (462) visa has different requirements to Australia’s Working Holiday (417) visa.

The basic requirements for Indian citizens to get a Work and Holiday visa for Australia will be:

  • Hold a valid Indian passport
  • Aged 18-30 years old (inclusive) and outside of Australia at the time of applying for the visa
  • Pay the Visa Application Charge (VAC)
  • Have not previously held a Working Holiday Visa or Work and Holiday Visa in Australia
  • Have enough money to support yourself initially in Australia (generally at least AUD5,000 or approx. INR280,000) and to buy a ticket home when you leave
  • Meet the Australian government’s health and character requirements
  • Have a tertiary qualification and/or have successfully completed at least 2 years of undergraduate university study (specific requirements vary by nationality)
  • Have at least “functional” English language skills
  • Have not had a previous visa application to Australia refused and you/your family members do not owe the Australian government any money
  • Agree to sign the “Australian Values Statement”
  • Will not be accompanied by dependent children

There will be an initial limit of 1,000 Work and Holiday visas per year for eligible Indian citizens. It is likely that there will be more people who wish to apply for this visa than places available, but it is not yet clear how the places will be allocated. It could be a “first in, best dressed” system. It’s also possible that there could be some sort of lottery system, or that the Indian government will implement its own system to allocate the available spots – but we don’t know yet. It is possible that this quota could be increased in the future.

Will Australians have access to working holiday visas for India?

Generally, working holiday visa agreements between two countries are reciprocal. This means that if Australia offers working holiday or Work and Holiday visas to citizens of another country, the partner country would offer the same to Australian citizens in return.

Of the 44 nationalities that Australia currently offers working holiday visas to, 43 of those countries also offer the same type of visa to Australians. The only current exception is China, which does not currently offer this type of visa to Australians despite Australia offering Work and Holiday visas to Chinese citizens.

It is not yet clear whether India will offer working holiday visas to Australians in the near future as this type of visa program does not currently exist in India. But the current version of the reciprocal working holiday agreement between Australia and India states:

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