Australia Visa For Skilled Migrants

The recent Migration Review Tribunal decisions confirming the skill level of Indian Skilled migrants have been well received in the Indian community as well as in India. However there is some amount of frustration among recent Indian migrants on the delay in granting permanent residence visa. It is true that Australia visas for skilled workers from India takes longer than other countries like UK, Canada and New Zealand. The delay has been attributed due to a huge backlog of applicants from various countries which include India.

Australian skilled migration program is the path for skilled professionals to Australia. If you are looking for new places to migrate to, Australia can be a good option. The main goal of Australian immigration authority is to boost its economy by allowing skilled migrants into the country.

Australia is an incredibly popular destination for skilled migrants. The SkillSelect program is for anyone wishing to apply for a skilled migration visa in order to live and work in Australia. Under the Skillselect program skilled worker applicants can gain a permanent Australia visa; using their qualifications, work experience and language ability to meet the Australian immigration requirements. The system is similar to an online job board and matches employers with potential employees.


The General Skilled Migration (Skillselect) program replaced all other Australian skilled worker visas in 2012-2013. Applicants must meet at least 65 points from the General Skilled Migration (Skillselect) points tables to be considered. 

Steps of the SkillSelect Program

  1. Check first that you meet a minimum point score of 65, that your occupation is indeed included under the list of skilled occupations and that you are eligible to apply 
  2. An Expression of Interest (EOI) must be submitted, prior to being invited to apply for the visa  

 Before submitting your EOI, there are some basic requirements that need  to be met, along with an assessment with a minimum score of 65 points 

 You will only receive an invitation to apply if your EOI has been selected, regardless of whether you have achieved the minimum score of 65 points or not 

 3. Receive an invitation to apply  


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