Applying For Student Visa In Canada

When I applied for my student visa in Canada, I didn’t have any idea what to expect. That was my first time applying for a visa so I had no idea how long it would take or even what documents I needed. Thankfully, I found out that the Canadian government makes it pretty darn easy for people to come study in Canada or bring their parents or children to visit. Today, I’m going to talk about my experience and also provide you with some useful information on applying for your own student visa in Canada.

When coming to Canada as a student, one has to apply with the Embassy or Consulate at their home country. You need to provide proof that you’re capable of taking care of yourself while studying in Canada and can be responsible enough to pay for your fees and stay there on your own. The cost of schooling is much higher than your home country, so it’s essential to consider this even if you need bank loans for funding your studies. If you want to study in Canada, we have designed a detailed step-by-step process for applying for student visa that will help you.

Canadian study permit process

  1. Get an admission letter from a designated learning institution (DLI)
  2. Apply for the permit online or download an application package
  3. Pay the fee for you application and keep the receipt
  4. Have a medical check up from a panel physician registered in your country
  5. Receive a decision on your application

Student Direct Stream

Residents of some countries may apply through the Student Direct Stream to get their permit faster.

You can apply via the Student Direct Stream if you are a legal resident in one of these countries:

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