Apply Work Visa In Australia

Australia is one of the most popular destinations for skilled workers and international students. In fact, thousands of migrants choose Australia every year as their “better half” is already working in Australia under a different visa category or because they want to pursue their study or work dreams. So, if you want to apply “work visa” while your mate/ spouse is already in Australia, s/he will have to sponsor you.

You would like to live and work in Australia. You need a work visa that matches your skills and qualifications, and assists you winning an Australian Job. The Australian Department of Immigration’s Business Migration program has something for every prospective immigrant or visitor, who is looking to set up shop in one of the world’s fastest growing economies.

Australia Working Visa

Australia is a land of fantastic opportunities to work and live a quality life. Australia’s vibrant cities, high employment rate, incredible landscape beauty, and many such features lure millions of individuals worldwide to live and work here permanently.

If you wish to work in Australia and want to get an Australian working visa first, browse the few questions before applying for any visa. Let’s first get the answer of the question, i.e. how one can work in Australia.

How to Work in Australia?

To work in Australia, you must check your eligibility for the relevant skilled work visa. First, make certain that your occupation is there in the relevant Skilled Occupation List (SOL) of Australia. The SOL is the list of occupations, which are highly in demand in the land down under.

The General Skilled Migration Program (GSM) of Australia is based on a point system, which assess your eligibility based on few key factors, i.e. age, education, English language proficiency, skilled work experience, etc. You must obtain minimum 65 points based on these factors. Key documents you need to apply are as follows:

  • Skill Assessment Report from an approved assessing authority, i.e. ACS, AACA, VETASSESS, etc.
  • IELTS test for English proficiency
  • Skilled Employment related documents, etc.

If you have any questions in the corners of your mind related to Australian Skilled PR Visa, you can get the answer of the same here, such as,

Do I need any specific visa to work in Australia?

To live and work in Australia on a temporary or permanent basis, you would require applying for an appropriate Work Visa in Australia. You can divide it into two categories, i.e.

  • Skilled Migration Visa:  This visa type is for skilled foreign workers who meet the other required criteria and have the Australian labour market’s skills.
  • Nominated/Sponsored Work Visas: These particular categories of visa are for the individuals who are meet the other required criteria and sponsored or nominated by: 
  • A recognized Australian Employer
  • A Territory or State Authority
  • A government agency of a State or Territory

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