Apply Work Permit For Turkey

This blog is a guide to help foreigners who are going to work in Turkey .It also helps Turks who are interested in going abroad for doing their job.There are several steps in order to get a Work Permit for Turkey,some of these steps not all Turks must do,but most of them do it.(In case of doing work)

Applying for a work permit in Turkey is both simple and complex at the same time. Most EU or Schengen citizens are able to apply for a work permit and visa in Turkey regardless of their profession by taking some easy steps. The application process involves submitting paperwork along with passport photos. Your employer will then be responsible for paying all fees associated with your application. If you have any questions about applying for a work permit, please fill out the contact form on the right side of this page.

Types of Work Visas in Turkey

Turkey has a wide variety of visa categories that can be broken down into further options, including:

  • Tourist/businessperson visa
  • Official visa
  • Student/education visa
  • Working visa
  • Other visas

Most of your employees will need a working visa in Turkey, and you’ll apply for each work permit when each employee applies for their visa. All employees will submit their work visa application to Turkey’s consulate or embassy in their home country. At the same time, you’ll apply for the work permit with the Turkish Ministry of Family, Labor, and Social Services.

Visas in Turkey cannot exceed 90 days within 180 days. Anyone staying over 90 days will need to apply for a short-term residence permit at the Directorate General of Migration Management. Work permits in Turkey are initially valid for one year but can be extended to two years, then three years after a second extension. Once employees live and work in Turkey for eight consecutive years, they can apply for an indefinite work permit that does not require renewal.

Requirements to Obtain Turkey Work Visas

The requirements to obtain a work visa depend on which of the visas an individual applies for based on their reason for entering Turkey. Possibilities include:

  • Someone with an employment or special employment purpose
  • Assigned lecturer or academic
  • Sportsperson
  • Artist
  • Free zone worker
  • Journalist
  • Montage and repairman

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