Apply For Work Permit In Uk From India

There are various categories in which a foreigner can apply for UK work permit. The easiest and the quickest route to get a UK work permit is through the points based system. In this system a candidate must have the minimum required points to qualify for getting a UK work allotted.

I applied for a UK Work permit from India and there are so many things I had to do, as well as documentation issues. This blog post is about my experience, and how you could avoid making the same mistakes.

UK Visa

Before starting a job in the UK, you will need to apply for a visa. A visa is not a guarantee of employment. It simply gives you permission to work. The UK has strict immigration laws, and the ability to work in the UK is restricted. If you are planning on applying for a work visa, it is important to know what you should do.

There are different categories of visas, and each has different requirements. The most important thing is that you must be able to prove that you can support yourself financially. This means that your salary must not be below a certain amount, or it will not get accepted as proof of financial support. A Skilled Worker visa allows you to enter or remain in the United Kingdom to work in an eligible job with an approved employer.

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