Apply For Spouse Visa In Uk

The spouse visa UK is a non-immigrant visa which permits an applicant to enter into the host country for the objective of settling with their partner with whom they have been in a relationship. Apply For Spouse Visa In Uk makes it possible for the partner of a person who is already settled in the country to join them, or a person who has applied for asylum or refugee status.

Applying for a spouse visa takes patience, dedication and persistence. If you want to know if you qualify for a spouse visa click here . At UK immigration lawyers we are experts at applying for UK visas and can help you to apply through the most appropriate route.

Do I Qualify for the UK Spouse Visa?

To qualify for the UK Spouse visa, the UK resident, and the applicant that wants to join them in the UK, both must fulfill some criteria set by the Immigration Authorities in the UK. The main condition for the Spouse visa is that both, the resident and the applicant must be over 18 since the British law does not recognize marriages under the age of 18.

The other eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The person you want to join must be a British citizen.
  • Your marriage or civil partnership must be recognized in the UK.
  • Your relationship must be at least two years old when you apply (this is to prevent arranged marriages which the British law does not recognize).
  • If you are a fiance you must show proof you will marry within 6 months.
  • If you are a proposed civil partnership you must show proof that within 6 months, you will be entering into a civil partnership.
  • The partner living in the UK must meet the financial requirement.
  • The applicant must meet the English language requirements.

Relationship Legitimacy for UK Spouse Visa

In order for you to be eligible for a UK Spouse Visa, your relationship must be recognized by the UK authorities. This is the first part of your application towards obtaining a UK visa.

You should be very careful when submitting proof for your marriage/relationship because if the embassy or consulate where you are applying at suspects that you are in a fake marriage/relationship for visa benefits, they will automatically refuse your visa application.

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