Apply For A Schengen Visa For France

If you are planning to travel to France, one of the most famous and well-known countries in the western world, then you would have to apply for a Schengen visa from your country of residence. If you are thinking why you need to apply for a visa, let me tell you that visas are required for all those persons who are not native citizens of the Schengen area, or who do not reside in the same as their country of citizenship.

A Schengen visa is a type of visa that allows holder to enter the 26 countries (all European Union, except UK and Ireland) without getting any additional visas. As you know, France is one of these countries then issued a Schengen visa for France. In such case, please go to your nearest French consulate and apply for it. First you will need to book an appointment online .

France Visa Application Requirements, Fees and Guidelines

Depending on the purpose of your travel to France, there are different types of visas that will apply to the occasion.

Whether you are planning to go on a visit, study or work and reside in France permanently, you will have to apply for a different France Schengen Visa, accordingly.

You can apply for the France Visa since 1997 when France, as a Member of the European Union, also became a member state of the Schengen Area.

Monaco – a European microstate/city-state located within France – is considered part of the Schengen Area although it did not officially sign the particular documents of the agreement. Besides, no border control is performed for the Schengen countries surrounding it!

On the other hand, Andorra is another microstate located between France and Spain that performs border controls, therefore to enter it you should obtain a multi-entry Schengen visa since you should enter the Schengen Area while going or leaving Andorra.

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