Angola Work Visa For Indian

Considering to move to Angola? Here’s a guide to get an Angolan visa, issued by the Angolan consulate in India. Using this comprehensive guide, you can learn how do I apply for an Angolan visa from India.

If you are searching for the Angola Work Visa For Indian or related visa issuing office, you can directly contact with us through our email id or call us to know more detail.

Are you planning to move to Angola? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

Visa TypesThe Embassy of the Republic of Angola, Consular Section, makes it known to all those who are interested in obtaining Residence Visa and Work Visa for the Republic of Angola, must in the future, has to submit the following documents for its purpose:

Business Visa1. One visa application form duly filled in and signed.

2. 1 passport sized photograph to be pasted in the space for photographs

3. original passport + 1 photocopy of pages first and last where personal details are mentioned

4. Invitation letter from Angola duly signed and stamped

5. Copy of tax document paid by the Angolan company – know as (DAR – Documento de Arrecadacao de Receitas-“Document pertaining to the collection of revenues”)

6. Copy of yellow fever vaccination

7. Copy of police clearance from the local Police Ptation

8. Draft for rs.5000/- payable at Delhi in the name of Embassy of the republic of Angola + 2 photocopies of the same with the name of the applicant and company written on the copies.

9. If more than one applicant is applying under the same company then one collective draft should be made.

10. Application form to be filled in capital letters with complete details

Note: all visa application have to be submitted to Angola which takes 10 to 15 days for the approval after issuance of visa it is valid for 60 days and length of stay is only 30 days.

Work Visa1. One visa form duly filled in and signed.

2. Letter requesting for the work visa from the Angolan company.

3. 1 photo pasted in the space for the photograph.

4. Declaration stating you will obey the rules and regulations of Angolan law from time to time.

5. Work contract

6. Educational certificates duly translated into Portuguese language attested by mea, consular division Patiala house, New Delhi.

7. Medical certificate same as above.

8. Police clearance same as above.

9. Curriculum vitae duly translated and attested by notary public.

10. NOC from “Ministerio Da Administracao Publica, Emprego e Seguranca Social” ( Ministry of Public Administration & Social Security).

11. Photocopy of the official gazette bulletin (diario da republica)

12. Photocopy of the registration document (alvara)

13. Photocopy of the (statistical document (registo estatistico)

14. Photocopy of autorization to conduct the external trade (Autorizacao Do Exercio Da Actividade Comercial Externa)

15. Photocopy of “ DAR – Arrecadacao De Receitas.- (document collection of revenues)

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