Alternative Residency Visa For Australia

Australia offers residency visas to individuals who can invest a substantial amount of money into the country.

The Australian government offers a number of different visas for immigrants wishing to relocate to Australia.

Australians can apply for an Alternative Residency Visa, which enables them to live abroad for up to three years.

A number of Australian visas offer residency options.

Work-Based Permanent Residency

There are numerous paths to Australian permanent residency through the worker category. The migrant worker categories are:

  • Employer Sponsored Workers. When an Australian employer sponsors a foreign national work in Australia.
  • General Skilled Migration. For people that are not sponsored by Australian employers but possess a skill valued in Australia.
  • Skill Select. For workers possessing certain skills that Australia is in need of.
  • Doctors and Nurses. Permanent residency is available to doctors and nurses on a need-only basis.

New Zealand Visa

New Zealanders do have the option to live and work permanently in Australia without a permanent resident visa. Citizens of New Zealand are granted a temporary SCV visa which allows them to do so, but does not grant them the same rights as an Australia permanent resident or citizen. For example, an SCV visa does not allow you to vote; access student loans; join the Australian Defence Force; or obtain ongoing work for the Australian government. However, New Zealanders do have the option to apply for an Australian permanent resident visas as well as the option to become Australian citizens.

The Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has a great tool to help you find which one is right for you. Click here to visit their Visa Finder page.

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